Time to buy? This calculator can help you figure out your home price range. Fill in the fields below to calculate how much home you can afford.
You can afford a house up to:
$Down Payment:
Loan payment:
Estimated Monthly Payment: | |
Principal & Interest: | |
Property Taxes: | |
Homeowner’s Insurance |
Results shown are estimates and are based on the accuracy and continued reliability of the data you input. Home-purchase affordability depends on various factors and is not guaranteed. Such factors may include credit score, the loan product chosen, lender guidelines, other financial obligations, changes in market conditions, and more. Alimony, child support, or separate maintenance income need not be revealed if the borrower or co-borrower does not choose to have it considered as a basis for repayment of this loan. Some results may be rounded. These calculations are provided for illustrative purposes only and do not reflect any closing costs. If mortgage insurance payment is listed, illustrative payment is based upon a conforming fixed loan for owner-occupied, one-unit dwelling for a borrower with a credit score greater than 760. This is not a credit decision or a commitment to lend. Please contact an experienced Mortgage Loan Officer at 1-888-KEY-0018 for more accurate and detailed information.