You Know We’re Better When We All Work Together

You focus on finding the best outcomes possible, not just for yourself but for everyone involved. Cooperative by nature, you seek mutually agreeable solutions first – then prioritize your interests accordingly. Often a great way to negotiate, this approach takes time. When dealing with time-sensitive issues, consider letting the completion of the negotiation serve as the top solution you both agree upon.

SWOT Analysis





Become a Better Negotiator

  • Set personal deadlines – Regardless of how much time you actually have to negotiate, set a few personal deadlines – whether days, hours or even minutes – and be prepared to move on to the next item when they come. This way you can negotiate just as you always have, but you’ll also know when good enough is good enough – without depriving yourself of valuable time you may need for more important negotiation points down the line.
  • Read the articles below – Improve your situational awareness, strengthen your initial position, and learn how to level up your business negotiations.
  • Join Key4Women – Strengthen your skills and improve your network by joining thousands of small business owners and professionals like you.
Explore Business Negotiation Styles

Curious about other negotiation styles commonly used in business? Pick a style that interests you to learn more.

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