Webinar Replay: Part Two: Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire!
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Mm-hmm. All right.
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Here we go. I'm going to let you go, Rachel. Let's do it.
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Yes, it is time and it's top of the hour. I love to see the active chat.
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And I just want to welcome everyone to our program today. I am Rachel Sampson, National Director of Key for Women and Head of Community Banking here at Key. And I want to welcome you to our program today.
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We are so pleased to have back our body language expert, Tracy brown uh you know for those who were with us in our last session.
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Tracy shared so many of her tools and techniques that can help spot deception in various contexts.
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Being in person, over the phone, or through written communication. So today we're going to continue to explore body language and verbal patterns that reveal hidden emotions and truths Which is essential for anyone looking to enhance their interpersonal skills, whether in a
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Professional or personal setting. You'll also have a unique chance to put your newfound skills to the test through engaging interactive activities.
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And a special live event demonstration that promises to be both educational and entertaining.
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Whether you're returning from our first session or you're new to the series, we're excited to have Tracy back to take a deeper dive into this fascinating world of deception detection.
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For those of you who are not familiar, weren't on our first session, I want to tell you a little bit more about Tracy.
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Tracy is a body language expert and leader in training people to build their bottom line by detecting deception.
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She's a frequent guest on TV interpreting the body language of criminals and politicians.
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She even helps lawyers pick and persuade juries using body language.
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A couple of quick fun facts. She's got a deal with Kevin Harrington, one of the sharks from the hit ABC TV show Shark Tank.
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She's a former member of the U.S. National Cycling Team Her new book, How to Detect Lies, Fraud, and Identity Theft is hot off the presses.
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This just in. She's also executive producer of a new TV series.
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Truth, lies, and cover-ups. So without further ado, my favorite part, it's getting hot in here. Let's get the fire started. Tracy, please take it away.
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All right, let me share my screen here and see. If we can do this… Let's see. All right. This was our big tech thing. All right. How are we doing here? Do we see a black screen? Oh, no. We see this. Hang on.
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I gotta do this. There we go. Okay, I think we got it. All right. Can you see it? Are we looking good?
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Yes, we are in business.
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Excellent. Excellent. All right. So… We are going to talk all about how to find whose pants are on fire today. And here's the thing.
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People are lying to you. Their pants are on fire all the time. You haven't even noticed. And so what we want to do is give you some tools today so that you know more than is immediately obvious and you know how to handle any situation
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Because you know what's going to happen next and you know the truth about what's really on someone's mind.
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This whole concept reminds me of a time when I… I needed a break from work and I work for myself, so it's pretty easy to take a break. Like it's always okay with the boss. And so I live in Colorado.
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And I drove up to Vail because I just needed to get away from everything. Vail is beautiful.
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It's in the mountains. And I just, I wanted to relax, take in the beauty And I found out when I got to town that the gondola in Vail is free after 4 p.m. And I thought, all right, great. If it's free
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It's for me. And so I found out that families with Screaming kids like free stuff too. And I didn't want to ride up with a bunch of chaos and so I found one car. I saw it. It was about to leave the station and I it looked like it had one guy in it. So I jumped in right as the door slammed shut.
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And I found that the gondola, it actually had two passengers in it.
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It had one hippie guy who had taken full advantage of our pot laws here in Colorado, like he was smoked up and his big dog.
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And I wanted to be friendly. And so, I mean, this guy was glassy eyed. I mean, the whole he had the whole look.
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And so I said, I wanted to be friendly. I said, so… What's your dog's name? And he looked at me like he just barely focused and he said.
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He said, dude. It's not a dog.
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It's a wolf. His name's Romeo.
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But don't worry, he's trained. Had them about a week. And then he drifts off into this pot induced And so it's just me and Romeo. And I know a thing or two about wolves.
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Because I've seen the Discovery Channel and I know that wolves need 10 square miles a day to roam or to be behind a fence, not in a tiny gondola with me hanging from a wire going up the mountain with no way
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Out. And so I think, okay, if things get intense. He's got a collar. Hopefully the hippie will come to and be able to grab him.
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And then I look a little more closely and i see is not a collar.
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It's a macrame necklace. With a peace sign dangling from it. So I start to feel that that anxiety creep in. And then Romeo stands up.
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And remember, I'm sitting on that little gondola seat and he looks, we're about eye to eye. This thing is huge. He is huge. And I think, okay, okay, what's a wolf's body language? What do I need to do with my body language?
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Should I look at him? And I go, nope, nope, that's a threat. Don't want to do that. Should I smile at him? But then I think, no, no, that's showing my teeth. I can't do that.
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And then I think, should I reach out to To pet him, like offer him my hand, let him smell me and then i realized I've cut my On the way in to the gondola and I'm bleeding a little bit and I'm smelling like fresh meat and I don't know if he's
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Had lunch yet. And so I take You know, clearly the best option was to just curl up as much as I could and hope that he won't see me. And that was going pretty good until I feel him start to sniff up my legs, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff. And I think, oh boy, if he rips my leg off, like what's going to happen? How long does it take an ambulance to get to the top of Vail? Or am I going to be relegated to that
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Slow eight-minute ride. Down to the bottom. And, you know, I feel them sniff up a little sniff, sniff. And then I feel that hot breath on my hand because it was resting on my knee. And I think, okay, okay.
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I've led a pretty good life, but I don't really know who's going to go to my funeral. And what does God look like? Is it George Burns or Morgan Freeman? I don't know, but I'm probably going to meet him really soon.
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Now, how many of you have been in a situation like that where you just really wish You knew more about what was on someone's mind.
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And what was going to happen next. Well, we're going to give you those tools today so that you will never be in a situation like this again where you just don't know what to do and there's no way out. So let's dive in. First thing you got to do, we're going to go over this quick, just a little bit of review and uh from from last time. And yes, someone was asking, is there a replay from last time? Yes, Rachel will tell you.
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How to get it. Okay, this is just a quick review. So you got to understand, we got to raise our sensory acuity. That's how much we're paying attention to what goes on Outside of you, okay? Because most of us are paying so much attention to ourselves. We're just not paying attention
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To what goes on outside of us. And I learned this from bike racing. That's me right there. I used to be a really good bike racer. And that's how I won races.
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Because I could look at the tiny signs that someone was about to attack or someone was about to get gapped and dropped off.
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Or just understand what they were going to do next so I could get that half a pedal stroke.
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Jump on them. And that's when I began. To win. So got to pay attention differently. And we're going to start doing that to that now.
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There's a lot of…
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Well, that's great. Can we pause? I think there's a lot of questions. Was it fun, fiction or fact? Because I felt like as we got towards the the end of the story. The question is, is it true or not true?
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Oh, there's more. I like it.
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Oh, well, we have not ended the story yet. We will. And yes, it is 100% true what I'm telling you. Okay, let's keep going. There really was a wolf in a gondola. Okay, so don't worry. Just… Just relax. We'll clear everything up. Okay, so let's talk about
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All right, we're going.
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The kinds of lies, the kinds of lies. And this is from my studies with the FBI. And actually, last week, I took another class with military and police for interrogation and interviews.
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And there's just a few different kinds of lies, okay? And they put different cognitive load on the brain. Okay. And cognitive load is the reason that our body language and actually our communication, like verbally gets different when we are different when we
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And that's really what we want to look for is change okay so you got fabrication, exaggeration, deceptive denial, minimization, and omission. Omission is easier to do fabrication and exaggeration is harder to do. So that means omission is harder to pick out. So that's what we got to know there
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Now, here's the framework. This is how it goes. So you got observation, which goes to assessment. Okay, that's what we're going to work on today, observation and assessment.
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Which goes to insight means you know more about the… about the situation, which lets you create a strategy.
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Now, if you miss on observation the whole thing falls apart. All right. So we want you to start paying attention differently. We're going to talk about what to pay attention to now Here's how it works is that the reptilian brain and the mammalian brain are the ones in charge of memory.
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So if someone is recalling something, that means They have it memorized, okay? If they're making stuff up, that's in the neocortex. That's the more developed adult part of our brain. When the neocortex takes over behavior.
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Things go wrong, okay? It's when you're trying to… make yourself believable instead of actually being believable, right? So there's a ton of science about this. This is just the basics of how it goes.
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And I think we need to get to the fun stuff so that we can actually learn how this rolls out into your world.
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So, let's see here. Oh, we talked about cognitive load. If you want to, you can take pictures of the screen.
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It's the amount of effort required while reasoning and thinking, okay? Memory, perception, language. When load is high, thought processes are potentially interfered with. We are looking for that interference okay now um let's keep going. I know we're going fast, but you're smart. You're going to get it.
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Let's see. I gotta warn you. It's about to get hot in here. People's pants are going to burst into flames okay so From here on out, whenever we see flames on screen, I'm going to say liar, liar. You're going to put in the chat box
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Pants on fire pants on fire If you want to be cool, hashtag P-O-F. All right. Got it?
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Here we go. Now, let's take a look. You remember Tanya Harding? Remember her Yeah, you remember her 1994 Olympics And what happened with Nancy Kerrigan's attack? Did Tanya have anything to do with it well She's given a lot of interviews over the years and um
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There was one that was on ABC, and this was before the pandemic. So this is how things kind of started to unravel for Tanya.
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Because someone… I mean, this is the craziest thing. Someone was digging through a dumpster in Portland behind a restaurant.
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Like, why? Okay, we don't know that. But they found that a check stub from the US Olympic Committee to Tanya, which is a totally normal thing.
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And attached to that somehow was an envelope with Nancy Kerrigan's practice information timing, coach, the whole thing. Let's see because okay so First thing we got to know is that when the body language and the words don't match.
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That's when you got a hotspot. That's what we're looking for, right? Because that's when that a developed part of our brain has taken over. The body doesn't want to lie.
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But when you force it to lie, it does weird things. So this means yes for regular people, right? Mostly Americans. I say regular, that's awful. It's just different in Asia. Okay. And this means no.
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Okay, so watch for differences between the body language and the words.
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Here we go.
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So that note that they found in the dumpster My writing was on a piece of paper. I did not write that. The rink or where she was skating. Correct.
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I did not write that. Nope.
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So try this, try this. Just to yourself in your office, try saying, I did not write that.
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It's really hard to do, right? And she did something else too, is that she took a contraction out. Okay. And they call it decontracting. When people take a contraction out.
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And they've been using contractions along the way. And we don't know if she has or hasn't. We don't know her full baseline here.
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But it's a sign that says, hang on Something's not right. So I think for this one, you know, there's been plenty of talk about this and her body language tends to match the allegations. She's been banned from figure skating for life.
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And I think we got to do this and we got to say, liar, liar.
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What's in the chat box, Rachel? What are we seeing?
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It's all pants on fire. Although we have a lot of cool people in the audience with the hashtag POS.
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Oh, I knew we'd have a cool audience for sure. Okay, so let's keep going. Now, I don't like to talk about politics, but sometimes it's just unavoidable.
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Let's talk about Mike Pence. He's out of office and I'm sure y'all can relax about him now.
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It turns out that taken home Classified documents is really popular, okay? And he has admitted to it. But before he admitted to it, before he was found out, before his garage got searched, there was an interview.
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And so let's just see what you think about this interview Here we go.
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Did you take any classified documents with you from the White House?
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I did not. Do you see any reason for anyone to take classified documents with them, leaving the White House.
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Well, there'd be no reason to have classified documents, particularly if they were in an unprotected area.
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Well, there were classified documents and they were in, as you report, an unprotected area.
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All right, so what do we see here? He actually, he tried to say no Do you see that? And then he ended up with yes for the longest time and then So when you see that, okay, because you may see that when you're asking some questions.
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Go with the last one. Got it? Go with the last one. And so he… And here's another thing.
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Guilty people, people who have something to hide, will try to keep talking.
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And this is from a study with Elizabeth Loftus down at the University of Texas that uh that People who rely on will say more because they're trying to make sure that you're convinced of what they're saying. So they're trying to back up their statement. And so he reeled it in a little bit, but you can see he wanted
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He wanted to talk more. And then he got real formal. He's like, oh, there's no reason to take those home. He kind of straightened out his jacket, gave himself a little more armor there, right?
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So yeah, that's been proven. And what we got to do is, you know, just make sure that you're paying close attention because it's the details. It's the little things that can be so revealing that can help you better inform your most
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Important decisions like like what if you asked, what if you were hiring and you ask someone about their attendance record And you start to get conflicting messages. Well, that's where you want to start to dig in to more questions to see if their response
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Is the same? Like, does it back up the lie or does it back up the truth, right? No one's going to have a perfect interview But for the important things, make sure you're double covering yourself. All right. So, uh.
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Yeah. Okay.
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I've got a question. And for our audience members, please continue to use the chat and any questions. We will answer them throughout our program and at the end.
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You know, one thing we talked a little bit about the last time of just refresher of, you know, people are prepped too when they're in the public eye or when they have certain leadership positions or business owners.
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So how do you tell the preparation versus being prepared to be only able to talk about certain things versus true deception.
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Got it. Okay. So one of the ways that you can pick out deception and I don't have, I didn't queue this video up for us is… Listen for rehearsed lines.
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Okay, because people are going in and they know you're going to ask them certain questions.
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And so if they say the exact same words like rehearsed.
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Twice, that's when you know, wait a minute, something's going on there. And this is from, you remember that Gary Condit, Chandra Levy situation?
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A few years back where he was the he's the congressman and all of a sudden Chandra Levy's disappeared. And anyway, he goes on with Connie Chung.
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And you can look this up. And she said, have you Did you have an affair with Chandra Levy? And he goes, well, I'm not a perfect man. And then he goes into all this, you know, BS. Oh, did I say, sorry. That's what it amounted to. All right. And then she asked again and he goes, well, I'm not a perfect man. And he just, and he does it again, right? And so, and he goes, and I'm not.
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I'm not deflecting the question. Connie Chung goes. Well, you're deflecting the question right now, sir. So it's just a hilarious clip that you it comes up real easy on YouTube.
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So listen for those rehearsed answers to questions that they know that they're going to be asked. So does that answer it? Is that okay?
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I think so. I think so. I think it's interesting to your point, looking out for the cues and clues. And to your point, the out of yourself and being very much in tuned and observing the people around you.
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Yeah, yeah. Pay attention. You got to pay attention when you pay with pain. And that is just as true as it can get. That's the number one thing you got to get out of this whole thing is pay attention differently. It seems small, but if you skip that.
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The rest of it just doesn't work at all. So here's what we got to do though this will make you feel good. And you got sick. Liar, liar. Let's hear it. Or it's actually in the chat.
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Pants on fire.
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Yes, it is. And Sherry has a great question, too, about what about serial liars?
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Like people who are just… That's all they do. That's all they know. And then they start believing their own lies.
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Okay, you can. Okay, so let's talk about that a little bit. So what that goes into is, and it's a little bit out of our I don't know. It goes into the whole psychopath um conversation and because some people don't know the difference between lies and the truth
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And others will start believing their own lies. And they're more on the narcissist level.
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Let's talk about psychopaths just quick because I want to make sure we get through a lot of stuff and I'm willing to stay and talk about this later. Psychopaths uh they're Their amygdala is broken. That's where the feelings are.
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And so they actually don't, they're not empathetic. They don't care what your um anything about you. Now, the problem is there's about attracted to power and power positions. And so there's this book um It's called Snakes in Suits and it's by Dr. Robert Hare. And if you want to know how
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Being a psychopath rolls into the C-suite. It's a very good book.
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And he's kind of like the rock star of that. And so according to his number, about 15% of folks in the C-suite are in that genre of being a psychopath. So… Something to know, something to know there.
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I don't want to dive too deep. Okay, so is that okay for now?
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Yes, that's okay. And I think it's interesting with you know the characteristics that would be needed to be successful in that role and Yes, not surprising.
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Yeah, yeah. So, all right, cool. Let's keep going now. If you start going on every head nod and every head shake and start to incriminate people, you're going to be wrong. Okay. All we're doing is give you a tool
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For a direct yes or no question. When questions get longer, then you really need more hotspots, okay? More signs. So let's talk about Prince Harry.
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He was in the news a lot telling people that he didn't want to be in the news.
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Him and Meghan Markle, right? So, which, you know, is understandable Now, let's just see what you see here and if he's Believable or not, let's talk about what's going on. Here we go. Because he's talking about rolling into 2020. And this is from his documentary. All right. So this is on Netflix.
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Yeah, that was on the 1st of January. I came out refreshed and I was like, here we go, 2020. What you got?
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All right. So he's talking about 2020. He's like, all right, I was so refreshed.
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Okay. Shaking your head no, that means disbelief. Okay, so he was likely Unbelievably refreshed. And we saw that he backed that up because when people roll their eyes, that's disbelief as well. Okay, so he's got two signs of disbelief here.
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And that's how refreshed he was because he got out of the public eye a little bit, right? Up to Vancouver. Now.
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So you want to listen to the tone. You want to say, okay, is there a reason to lie about him being refreshed? Well, probably not.
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All these different things. And so just like unbelievable can be good. It's not always bad okay so you want to take that into account. So I think with this, what we can do is we can say, we'll give My smiley face. We'll give him a smiley face. I think he's telling the truth here. So just…
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Pay attention to the difference. Pay attention to the tonality And in the context of the whole situation and you will be much more informed and more informed Because you're correct, right, on your analysis. So, Rachel, questions?
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None at the moment, although we have a recommendation from Pahlavi to check out apple cider vinegar on Netflix. Sounds interesting.
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Oh, we'll get into that. If it's true crime, I'm going to tell you, I will not watch it. This is a job for me. I do not… scare myself for entertainment. Okay, so…
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And just a quick shout out as well is that she actually was our pitch contestant winner in Portland.
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So we have a lot of our finalists on the line.
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Aha. Oh, I love it. Oh, I love it. Okay, cool, cool. All right, let's keep going. Let's talk about baselining. This is super important. This is the most important thing.
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That as far as a technique. It's how do people normally behave?
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And then we're looking for change. When things change that's when you got to go, wait a minute, like all these little cues that we're talking about are small and they go away really fast. But if you can just get the whole idea of change
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Then you're going to start to be able to really start to do some good good analysis and ask some better questions so that you're, you know.
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Digging deeper into like maybe a buyer's concerns, right? Or maybe one of your team members, like do the drawers really balance, right? Do they start acting differently when you start acting differently when you having some more intense questions, right? These are the things that we got to dig into. So let's talk about some of the ways that we can baseline you got
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Verbal, you got nonverbal. All of this can shift okay and so are they smooth and confident? Are they insincere and stiff right these These are some of the things that people can flow from one to the other. And you got to look for that change. Are they focused or vague or revealing or concealing like all of these things, okay?
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So it sounds like a lot. Just notice for the change. Now here's how we're going to do it. And you're going to love this. And I promise we'd do it last time. And that is Let's talk about, we talked about it, look good at looking for change. Let's solve, or maybe not solve.
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Let's get some good insights into the JonBenet Ramsey murder. You remember that?
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John Monet Ramsey, as I sit here in Boulder, Colorado, about a mile from where I live, little six-year-old beauty queen.
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Found dead in the family's home Christmas night, 1994. Five, I believe. And at the 20 year mark Her brother, Burke, who was eight or nine at the time decided, you know what, we got to do some talking.
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So he goes on Dr. Phil. Just to do some talking. Now, let me tell you about Dr. Phil. You can think he's his TV… Dr. Guy. Dr. Phil is a very… skilled forensic psychologist. He knows exactly what he's doing okay he's
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To be respected and The reason we're doing this is to see how quickly you can actually get a baseline on someone.
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Okay, so the baseline is three questions. He's going to get asked about Pineapple, a flashlight, and a baseball bat. And notice how he answers, particularly in his eye movements.
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And then the questions get more incriminating. And I'm gonna um just give you a clue when you can see the whites of someone's eyes, especially the top of the white of someone's eyes That says fear and anxiety.
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Got it? Okay, so here's what we're going to do. I want you to throw out everything you think you know about this case, because a lot of people know there's been a lot out there on it. I want you to throw that out.
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And just go off of this video. All right. And the question I want you to answer is, what do you think his involvement is?
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That's the only question I want you to answer. Got it?
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Okay, here we go. Look at his baseline first. And get that and notice when it changes.
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Did you and she pineapple together at any time during the day?
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Maybe. I don't remember. Specifically eating pineapple, but… Very well could have, like… Would you remember eating pineapple 20 years ago like you know There was a flashlight and a baseball bat found at the house and investigators thought one of those could have caused
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Jonbenet's head wound. Did they show you either of those items? They showed me a picture of the baseball bat like on the side of the house or something.
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Did you hit your sister over the head with a baseball bat?
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Or a flashlight. Absolutely not. If someone in your house did, do you think you would have hurt it?
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Probably. Yeah. Let's clear this up.
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Once and for all. Did you do anything?
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To harm your sister, JonBenet. No. Did you… murder your sister, JonBenet.
00:29:38.000 --> 00:29:40.000
00:29:40.000 --> 00:29:49.000
Oh, the music makes it so dramatic, doesn't it? Yeah. Okay. So quick in the chat box. What's his bass line? Did anybody notice anything? Rachel, you got a report out.
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50 eyes. He didn't do it. The baseline smile. He heard something, the smile, the shifty eye.
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He had a…
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Okay, okay. So let's talk about the eyes. If you said eyes, you're right.
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His eyes go in a specific pattern every time. So what happens is he answers the question and his eyes go up, down, cross.
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And he does it three times on the baseball bat, the flashlight, and the pineapple. Okay, so that's his baseline. That's how we know he answers questions.
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And then when did it change? Does anybody know when it changed?
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When did it change? Eisenclick smiled. His hands were, except when he was asked about what he heard.
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About the hat.
00:30:36.000 --> 00:30:45.000
Yep. It's what he heard. And Dr. Phil asked A very important question. It's stated in a very important way.
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Okay, so, and I want you this is I want you to write this down, okay? He didn't say, did you hear anything?
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He said, do you think you would have heard something? Okay, so what that does is puts the mind more into construct and it leaves more of an open way for him to answer. So it's not necessarily a direct yes or no question.
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And so he goes, yeah. And we saw the whites of his eyes. And then remember from last time he rolled his lips in.
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Which means he's holding back information. Okay, or holding back emotion probably in this case information okay and so what else did we notice anything
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Well, I think to your point, it's interesting of what you pointed out for Dr. Phil when he was asking about the pineapple.
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Where he was trying to place him saying, if you remember these things and he's saying it was that long ago, so why would I? But now with this, he's asking, to your point, framing it differently.
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00:31:51.000 --> 00:31:57.000
To ask questions. So no, I think it's really interesting now that we have these like tools to go back and rewatch all of these things.
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Oh, yeah. Well, and someone will always say, Tracy, don't you see how he is? That's how murderers look right with that smile.
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And so here's the thing. That's what we have to work with for his baseline. There's no one way murderers look.
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There's really not. But that's that smile. That's his baseline. That's what we have to go with.
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And because people say he's so unusual. Let's talk about how you could get that unusual. Let's see. Your sister's killed in the house um and The media is on your… on your lawn for years, literally years, you go to the grocery store and there's your sister on the cover of the Inquirer and someone sits you down and says.
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Whatever you know, you've got to stuff it. If anybody knows anything about anything that you know at all, we're all going to jail.
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It'll work.
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Don't you think that would make it unusual? Like, it really would, right? So I want you to get… Instead of running around… going yes or no on everybody or guilty or innocent or whatever, however you want to be black and white
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I want you to get curious about how behavior is created because people are always doing the best they have with the information that they have available to them in the history of of their own experience. And sometimes both of those things are just awful and they're doing the best
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They can do, right? Anyway, with that, I do think from this that he heard something and he's not saying. So we got to set.
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Liar, liar. Put it in the chat box. You know what to do.
00:33:42.000 --> 00:33:43.000
00:33:43.000 --> 00:34:02.000
Pants on fire. That's right. All right. So let's… have a little more fun because eventually people are going to have to speak and actually verbal deception is… You want to listen to people really closely. It will slip by very fast.
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Quickly, but not only are we watching, but we're listening differently too. So to do that, let's talk about Meghan Markle. Everybody loves to hate her. And this is from the documentary that they did on Netflix six hours of my life I will never get back.
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And she is going to be asked, because remember, she's the executive producer of this documentary and she's going to be asked Why did they want to do this documentary? Okay, and listen for her answer.
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Okay, here we go. Knowing, well, am I going to warm you up? Yeah, I'm going to warm you up because the mind can't process a negative.
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Okay, the mind can't process a negative. So let's just try this for a minute before we jump in.
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Close your eyes just really quick. Just close your eyes. And in your mind, do not, whatever you do, do not think of a blue palm tree.
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In your front yard. Do not think of a blue palm tree in your front yard with Christmas lights on it. Do not think of that.
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All right, put it in the chat. Open your eyes. What's in your mind?
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Because you're not thinking of that blue palm tree. What are we seeing, Rachel?
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When you laugh, that saying funny. Ha ha laugh out loud.
00:35:17.000 --> 00:35:18.000
A blue palm tree.
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Yeah. Yeah, it's a blue palm tree, right? So people are telling you exactly what's on their mind. The negative does not count, okay? So if people say, you know, I don't like, you got to understand you're always painting pictures in people's minds.
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If you say, I don't want us to get in a fight like we did last time.
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You're actually creating in your mind and in their mind a picture of you getting in a fight like you did last time. And your mind works in pictures, it's going to create that.
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For you. It's going to say, oh, this is what we want. Great. Let's do it. Now, in the same way.
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People are going to tell you exactly what's on their mind by their words, okay? So listen for that negative.
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Why does she want to do this documentary? Here we go.
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Why did you want to make this documentary?
00:36:16.000 --> 00:36:22.000
00:36:22.000 --> 00:36:31.000
I'm not going to say that it's comfortable. But when you feel like people haven't gotten any sense of who you are for so long.
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It's really nice to just be able to have the opportunity to let people have a bit more of a glimpse into what's happened and also who we are.
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Okay, so she did a couple things. First thing she said, I'm not going to say that it's comfortable so Considering the blue palm tree exercise that we just did.
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Comfort is the first thing on her mind. She was on suits. And I don't know how many seasons, like a lot. And so she's very comfortable in front of the camera.
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This is the height of comfort for her, okay? And here's the other thing that she did before she answered.
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She exposed her neck, right? She looked way up. And if your neck's a little stiff like mine, that's hard to do, okay?
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What she's doing is exposing this part of her neck. Okay, so if a tiger walked into your office and decided to attack you, this is the first place they're going to attack. This is our most vulnerable area. Why? Because of airways and
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And also the brainstem is right there, okay? So if someone is actually not comfortable they're going to hide this area with their chin. Their chin is going to go down and hide this area. So what she does is give us the biggest sign of comfort that anyone possibly can and expose
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This part of this part of her body, like expose this neck full comfort completely vulnerable. And then she says, I'm not going to say that it's comfortable so we know what's in her mind and it shows in her body. So I think with this what we got to do
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Is say, remember, the mind can't process a negative And we got to say liar, liar.
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Put it in the chat. Pants on. Fire.
00:38:24.000 --> 00:38:27.000
I'm so sad by this. I want to believe her.
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I want to believe her too. Now, here's the thing. People always tell me, they say, Tracy, you don't like anybody. No.
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All I'm doing is pointing out when they're incongruent. I think they have an almost impossible situation to deal with, right? With the amount of… paparazzi and things that follow them around like it's not workable And they're trying to do their best.
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They're not being completely straight with… everybody and they think everyone's buying it. So anyway, yeah.
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We do have a question of maybe was she trying to relax?
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You know, in that moment.
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No, that's not a real… It's like, try to do this. This stranger. This is not, no, there's no relaxing there.
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No relaxing. So any other questions?
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No, I think that's it. We just had the question, the POF is pants on fire and that
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That is right. Okay. Let's keep going. We've got to stay on time here. We got one more, one more here. And that is Prince Andrew. So this would be her uncle by marriage.
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Okay. Brother to brother King Charles, okay? And he got mixed up with Who was that sex trafficker guy or um No, I want to say Harvey Weinstein. That's not it. It's the other guy.
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Harvey Weinstein no i don't. Jeffrey.
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Epstein. Epstein, yes, that's it. Okay, so he gets asked about it. And let's just see… what you think with his… answer, knowing that the words that you choke on are very important. You cannot… discount the discount Words that people choke on. Here's why. Because it takes
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Six organs to make a sound. And the body does not want to lie. So they will shut down on you instantaneously during words that are super stressful or deceptive okay so Here we go.
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You seem utterly convinced you're telling the truth. Would you be willing to testify or give a statement under oath if you were asked.
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Well, I'm like everybody else. And I would have to take… all the legal advice that there was before I was to do that sort of thing. But if push came to shove.
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And the legal advice was to do so. Then I would be duty bound to do so.
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All right. So we noticed a lot here. There was a lot to see. Okay, so the first thing we talked about the head nod, right? He does not want to do any testifying, okay?
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But then what he gave is a resume statement. And these are important. You got to listen for these because he goes, I'm just like anybody else. Okay. Which is the same As someone saying, you know, let's say you've done something wrong and they say, you know what? You can ask.
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Anybody at my church I am a good person, okay? So whenever church comes into effect or God.
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There's always something that they're covering up always okay so these are some of the things that you want to look for resume statements. And then he choked on that word legal okay so he knows something is illegal in there. And this is a media interview. It might not be the friendliest, but she's not going to probe
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That deep. And she's not going to get a confession. She knows that, right? And so does he. But his body shows all that stress, right? And you saw him go from from looking at her, like.
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Without Blinken and then he started blinking a lot. So watch people's blink rate, that'll tell you their stress.
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If it's really high all of a sudden, that's big stress. If if they just stare at you, they're looking for threat. And that's what the body does. It gives you every opportunity to see that threat. So I think what we got to do here is just remember, and also he didn't answer. He really didn't hardly answer the question.
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Because it was a yes or no question and he talked a lot, right? So… We got to do this. And I don't think he's going to melt on us. Nope, he's not going to melt. Liar, liar, you know what to do.
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Yes, we've already had some in the chat before you even asked.
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All right. So let's see what do we have here. Oh, he is going to melt. Oh, look at that. Okay, he's melting. Good, good, good. Now, let's keep going. Okay, vocal deception.
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These are just a few things we're going to run through them really quick. You may need these, okay? They'll drop a pronoun. When people stop using pronouns.
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They're separating themselves from the experience because it never happened So if you ask someone last night, what'd you do? And they say.
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Went home from work. Stopped at the store.
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Got a jug of milk. Came home, played video games all night.
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What's missing? Oh, the pronouns. So listen for when the pronouns go missing. Listen for when their pacing changes or a change in volume or especially at the end of sentence.
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Okay, so these are some of the things you want to listen for. So take a picture of the screen If you are so inclined.
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Now, when you want to know more, because we got one more exercise, we are going to put these tools to use. When you want to know more, do this QR code here just with your phone.
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Just take a picture of it. And what I'll do is I will send you videos of famous people lying on TV.
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Okay, there's a lot of them. And we got more on Tanya Harding. I got Sarah Palin. I got a lot of them.
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And you'll be on my newsletter that goes once a month. And we'll talk about all different kinds of deception in the news because there's always something in, of course, all my social links are on there as well. So here's what we're going to do right now.
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Is we are going to jump in and play my game, a little interrogation game. We talked about this social links. Real confessions is what we're going to play. So I'm going to stop sharing my screen and I have… Hang on, let me do this. Stop share.
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All right, here we go. All right. Now we got Rachel and we got Tracy and I have prepped them.
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They're very nervous. I have prepped them. Ahead of time. And here is what we're going to do.
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Is interview and interrogate them. Now, there's a difference between interview and interrog Mostly interview is what we're going to do. Interrogation implies they're guilty which One of them is. Now, we're going to ask some questions.
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And… They are going to answer. Now here's the deal.
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I have sent them two emails this morning. I interviewed them a couple weeks ago. I have sent them two emails.
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One email contains the truth. The other email contains… a lie, okay? Now, audience, we are going to pick which email they open. They don't know which is which and they do not know what the lie is. I have made that up.
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Okay, now… Ladies, that is your script, okay? Whatever… email, the audience says to open. That's what you're going to open. And that is your script.
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Do not, for any reason, say anything other than that line. But if it's the truth.
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You got to sell it like it's the truth. If it's a lie, you got to make it sound like the truth. We're going to interrogate you.
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And interview you for about a couple minutes and then we'll see your story hold up or we'll see it break down probably and then the audience is going to vote to see if we can tell if you've been telling the truth or a lie. So sound good?
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Got questions? All right. Audience, who do we want to go first?
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Oh, Vanity's thinking it's getting hot. Vanity, you're not on a hot seat. All right.
00:46:27.000 --> 00:46:31.000
Yes, it's getting hot. Oh, hug me on the hot seat first.
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Okay, who do we want? Oh, Rachel, you're getting all the votes. Okay.
00:46:35.000 --> 00:46:36.000
Okay, Rachel. Okay, so Tracy, you can turn your camera off because we don't need you just yet.
00:46:36.000 --> 00:46:40.000
00:46:40.000 --> 00:46:47.000
Okay. All right. Here we go. Rachel. All right. Rachel can't help it. She's got a dry eye. Okay.
00:46:47.000 --> 00:46:58.000
Okay, here we go. Here we go now um Audience, which envelope or sorry, email do we want her to open? One or two? Put it in the chat box.
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Let's see.
00:46:59.000 --> 00:47:05.000
Oh, they're saying two. I'm going to go with two. Okay, so email number two, open email number two.
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Memorize it. At the very bottom, you got it?
00:47:09.000 --> 00:47:11.000
I get a lot of emails. So, okay, here we go.
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Okay. So go to number two, scroll down a little bit.
00:47:20.000 --> 00:47:21.000
Okay, you ready? Okay. Hit it.
00:47:21.000 --> 00:47:28.000
00:47:28.000 --> 00:47:30.000
I committed a hit and run accident.
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Oh, a hit and run. Okay, audience, I'm going to ask some questions and you better put some questions in as well and I'll ask them. So Rachel.
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A hit and run. Where was this?
00:47:45.000 --> 00:47:46.000
00:47:46.000 --> 00:47:53.000
It was in Cleveland where I'm from. On the streets going to work for my father.
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Oh my gosh. And so what Were you driving?
00:47:58.000 --> 00:48:02.000
I was driving a big moving truck.
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Oh, so now how'd you get the moving truck?
00:48:06.000 --> 00:48:08.000
I got the moving truck because my dad had a moving and delivery business. So on the weekends.
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00:48:13.000 --> 00:48:14.000
I would work driving truck.
00:48:14.000 --> 00:48:21.000
Okay. Oh, okay. And what kind of what kind of card did you hit? Was it moving or was it parked? Tell us what happened.
00:48:21.000 --> 00:48:28.000
It was parked. So there was a What are the conversion bands?
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And I hit the van.
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Oh, so you hit like a 16 passenger van or whatever it is, the big ones, a big van.
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What kind of damage happened?
00:48:38.000 --> 00:48:40.000
I knocked off his mirror
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Oh, okay. If you didn't stop. Why?
00:48:44.000 --> 00:48:52.000
No, I didn't stop. Because I didn't know what to do.
00:48:52.000 --> 00:48:53.000
00:48:53.000 --> 00:49:01.000
Oh, so you just kept going because that was the best option Okay. All right. And then… What… How did this get revealed?
00:49:01.000 --> 00:49:06.000
It got revealed when I stopped and the police came.
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Oh, so they were chasing you? So someone called the police How far away did you get?
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Yes, someone called the police. A couple of streets.
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Oh, so they were close. So this whole thing was pretty close. All right. Let's see. What other questions do we have? What happened?
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Like when the cops pulled over, what happened? Or pulled you over?
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What happened when the cops pulled over? They got my license and registration.
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Uh-huh. Uh-huh.
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And try to calm the person down because it was a hit and run.
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Oh, wow. Okay. So wait, so someone was in the van?
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I don't know if they were in the van or not, but
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But they saw it. Yeah. Oh, wow. Okay. Now, were you upset?
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The owner of the other car was upset. I was upset.
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Or who was upset? Was anybody upset?
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Oh, now did you play dumb or did you admit it right away or what happened?
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I didn't know what to do.
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I played dumb.
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Uh-huh. Okay. All right. But they must have pointed out the streak on the side of your van or what Okay. All right.
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Let's see. All right. Do we have any other questions? So did you get a ticket?
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I guess, or did they take you to jail? What happened?
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I did not go to jail. I got a ticket.
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You got to take it. What did your dad say?
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He didn't say much. Very forgiving.
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Uh-huh. Oh, oh, he's a pastor.
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Again, with church, he's a pastor so he Yes.
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Oh, wow. Okay. All right. All right. Cool. Okay. I think that's enough questions. I think that's enough questions.
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It's time to vote. It's time to vote. Put in truth or lie right now.
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Pastor would have rebuked you. It looks like… I see a lot of lies, a lot of truth.
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We're a little split though. I got to tell you, we are split All right. Okay. It's time for the reveal, Rachel. What is the truth?
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The truth is I really did do that. I was 16 for those of you that are from Cleveland, I was driving like 131st and mile and coming around that corner And I didn't time the corner well. So there was a van parked on the side and I accidentally sideswiped him, knocked off his mirror, and then I drove a couple of streets down to pick up my sister and
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The police came and I was scared. It was my first time. They didn't have me in handcuffs, but I was like sitting in the back seat of a police car. But luckily they were nice.
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Thought I was nice and they just gave me a ticket for improper passing.
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Yeah, it was improper passing. Oh, wow. Okay. All right. You did so good, Rachel. And here's the thing. She was consistent all the way through. You see, she was nodding her head yes like she she rocked a little bit, but we didn't see inconsistencies. Her timing was good. Her volume was good.
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Stayed right on. So that's how we know it's the truth. So high five.
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Rachel, you did good. All right. Cool, cool. All right. Tracy.
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Come on back. All right, Rachel, you can stay on because you're kind of hosting a little bit. All right, so we got Tracy.
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How are you? Albany. Okay, cool. All right.
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I'm in Albany, New York.
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You know the rules. You know how it's going to go. So audience, which email do we want Tracy to open? One or two?
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Ooh, we're straight ones. Okay, straight ones. So Tracy, email number one.
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Open that up. Scroll that down.
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And that is your script. Memorize it, sell it like it's the truth no matter what.
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You ready? Hit it.
00:53:01.000 --> 00:53:09.000
I am ready. I have been to a party at a Playboy mansion.
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Oh, a party at a Playboy mansion. Okay, very good. Which mansion?
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Beverly Hills.
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Oh, okay. And how did you get invited?
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I was at a party and after party after the American Music Awards and ran into someone that invited me as a guest.
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Uh-huh. American Music Awards. How'd you end up there?
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Well, I bought a ticket because I had never been to California before and I love music.
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Oh, okay. Now, what year was this?
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This was in 1996. I was 23.
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96. How old were you in 96? 23 okay and then um now who was this person that invited you?
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It was, I'm really not allowed to say because it's somebody famous and I don't want to get them in trouble.
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Oh, you're not allowed to say. Right. Got it. Okay. All right. Now let's talk about the party. Who was there? Was there famous people there?
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00:54:10.000 --> 00:54:24.000
There was famous paper there. So at the time I saw OJ Simpson there, one of the Kardashians was there the mom And a few people, again, that I probably shouldn't talk about.
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Oh, okay. So there's a lot of top secretness going on, right? I got it. Okay. So were the bunnies there?
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How many bunnies were there? Uh-huh.
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Oh, there was a ton of bunnies. I would say filled up half of the room.
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Oh, okay. What about Heff? Was he there?
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He was there, but I didn't have an opportunity to meet him.
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Uh-huh. Oh, packed. Oh, right. Now, did you go to the grotto?
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Just because it was so packed.
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I did not. No.
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You did not. Now, was alcohol involved, Tracy? Oh, okay. All right.
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Of course, alcohol was involved. However.
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I only had a few drinks just because I wanted to make sure to keep my wits about me.
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Oh, got it. Got it. All right. Now, audience, what other questions do you have?
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Looks like… Questions.
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Oh, why would they get in trouble for inviting you? And can you buy a ticket to the music awards?
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You can buy a ticket to the music awards and they could get in trouble just because they're somebody famous.
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Oh, okay. Well, that would mean something happened. So what happened?
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00:55:36.000 --> 00:55:43.000
Well, in case I ever was invited back, my lips are sealed.
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Oh, got it. Got it. All right. All right. So now how'd you get home that night?
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00:55:49.000 --> 00:55:51.000
I took a taxi back to the hotel.
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Oh, okay. All right. Okay. All right. Audience, any more questions?
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No, I think that's it. We did ask what was she wearing, but I know we are clocking down on time.
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Yeah, well, I want to know what what What were you wearing?
00:56:08.000 --> 00:56:12.000
I was wearing the black gown that I wore to the music awards.
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Oh, got it. Okay. All right. All right. Time to do the reveal. Audience, it's time to vote.
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Truth or lies.
00:56:21.000 --> 00:56:26.000
Looks like we have some truths and we have a few lies. It's a mixed review, but I think there's a lot of truth But then some…
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Yeah, we're about 50 50 about 50 50 on this. Okay, Tracy, it's time to do the reveal.
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The reveal is… I have never been to the Playboy mansion, but I have been to the American Music Awards.
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Way to spell it, Tracy.
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Here's the thing. Script said, I have been to the Playboy mansion and you said I have been to a Playboy mansion. So I knew that because there actually was one in Chicago for a while.
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And so that was like, I was like, oh, she's nervous. Here we go. All right. So here's the thing. She's like, oh, I can't say. Oh, can't say that. Can't talk about that. Nope. Can't talk about that. And everybody who goes, goes to the grotto. Okay. So that's just like required.
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Visitation when you're at the Playboy mansion. So what else did we notice? Did anyone, those of you who thought she was lying.
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Taking your head. Eyes rolling back and forth.
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How did you know? Pauses. Yeah, her eyes were rolling a lot up yeah Trying to remember. Now your eyes rolled up into our right. So you're trying to remember something, but it wasn't quite working out, right?
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Remembering part about the American Music Awards. Is that right?
00:57:42.000 --> 00:58:12.000
Yeah, that was good to connect that. That was good. See, that makes it easier, right? So really, we did a lot of alternative facts in this one, right? Because there was some truth there, right? And the name drops are actually pretty smooth, right? But then when asked for more, then you just refuse to answer, right? So listen for that. You did so good. Both Rachel and Tracy, make sure you send me your snail mail address. I'll put a copy of my book in the mail to you because you two are on the hot seat. It's really hard. We got two minutes.
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Minutes left. I'm going to turn it over to Rachel to wrap us up.
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How much time.
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Thank you so much, Tracy. We have thoroughly enjoyed you these last two sessions. The responses have been overwhelming. Thank you for allowing us all to learn how to be human lie detectors.
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And being with us today. I hope everyone in our audience feels empowered with the tools that we have in order to spot detection and understand some of those hidden emotions. And to Tracy's point, accepting people where they are in the moment and doing the best that they can do.
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Remember all of those skills that you've learned today that can be applied to a number of different scenarios personally and professionally.
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For those of you in our audience, I don't know why, but are not Kiefer Women members yet.
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Please, please, please reach out and join our community. Go to key.com forward slash join K for W.
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Best part. Up next, don't forget to save the date on your calendar right now.
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Wednesday, March 19th. As we celebrate Women's History Month with founder and CEO of Women Igniting Chain, Robin Juergensen. So with that, thank you all so much for joining.
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Last 30 seconds, parting words. Tracy, I'll turn it over to you and I hope everyone has a wonderful rest of their day.
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Just remember, pay attention or pay with pain, y'all. The signs are right there. Whenever I can help you out, I'm going to put my email in the chat.
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It's Tracy at tracybrown.com. That is me. And I look forward to hearing from all of you in the future. Good luck with everything.
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I love it. Sounds good. Take care, everyone.
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Mm-hmm. All right.
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Here we go. I'm going to let you go, Rachel. Let's do it.
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Yes, it is time and it's top of the hour. I love to see the active chat.
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And I just want to welcome everyone to our program today. I am Rachel Sampson, National Director of Key for Women and Head of Community Banking here at Key. And I want to welcome you to our program today.
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We are so pleased to have back our body language expert, Tracy brown uh you know for those who were with us in our last session.
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Tracy shared so many of her tools and techniques that can help spot deception in various contexts.
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Being in person, over the phone, or through written communication. So today we're going to continue to explore body language and verbal patterns that reveal hidden emotions and truths Which is essential for anyone looking to enhance their interpersonal skills, whether in a
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Professional or personal setting. You'll also have a unique chance to put your newfound skills to the test through engaging interactive activities.
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And a special live event demonstration that promises to be both educational and entertaining.
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Whether you're returning from our first session or you're new to the series, we're excited to have Tracy back to take a deeper dive into this fascinating world of deception detection.
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For those of you who are not familiar, weren't on our first session, I want to tell you a little bit more about Tracy.
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Tracy is a body language expert and leader in training people to build their bottom line by detecting deception.
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She's a frequent guest on TV interpreting the body language of criminals and politicians.
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She even helps lawyers pick and persuade juries using body language.
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A couple of quick fun facts. She's got a deal with Kevin Harrington, one of the sharks from the hit ABC TV show Shark Tank.
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She's a former member of the U.S. National Cycling Team Her new book, How to Detect Lies, Fraud, and Identity Theft is hot off the presses.
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This just in. She's also executive producer of a new TV series.
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Truth, lies, and cover-ups. So without further ado, my favorite part, it's getting hot in here. Let's get the fire started. Tracy, please take it away.
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All right, let me share my screen here and see. If we can do this… Let's see. All right. This was our big tech thing. All right. How are we doing here? Do we see a black screen? Oh, no. We see this. Hang on.
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I gotta do this. There we go. Okay, I think we got it. All right. Can you see it? Are we looking good?
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Yes, we are in business.
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Excellent. Excellent. All right. So… We are going to talk all about how to find whose pants are on fire today. And here's the thing.
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People are lying to you. Their pants are on fire all the time. You haven't even noticed. And so what we want to do is give you some tools today so that you know more than is immediately obvious and you know how to handle any situation
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Because you know what's going to happen next and you know the truth about what's really on someone's mind.
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This whole concept reminds me of a time when I… I needed a break from work and I work for myself, so it's pretty easy to take a break. Like it's always okay with the boss. And so I live in Colorado.
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And I drove up to Vail because I just needed to get away from everything. Vail is beautiful.
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It's in the mountains. And I just, I wanted to relax, take in the beauty And I found out when I got to town that the gondola in Vail is free after 4 p.m. And I thought, all right, great. If it's free
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It's for me. And so I found out that families with Screaming kids like free stuff too. And I didn't want to ride up with a bunch of chaos and so I found one car. I saw it. It was about to leave the station and I it looked like it had one guy in it. So I jumped in right as the door slammed shut.
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And I found that the gondola, it actually had two passengers in it.
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It had one hippie guy who had taken full advantage of our pot laws here in Colorado, like he was smoked up and his big dog.
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And I wanted to be friendly. And so, I mean, this guy was glassy eyed. I mean, the whole he had the whole look.
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And so I said, I wanted to be friendly. I said, so… What's your dog's name? And he looked at me like he just barely focused and he said.
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He said, dude. It's not a dog.
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It's a wolf. His name's Romeo.
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But don't worry, he's trained. Had them about a week. And then he drifts off into this pot induced And so it's just me and Romeo. And I know a thing or two about wolves.
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Because I've seen the Discovery Channel and I know that wolves need 10 square miles a day to roam or to be behind a fence, not in a tiny gondola with me hanging from a wire going up the mountain with no way
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Out. And so I think, okay, if things get intense. He's got a collar. Hopefully the hippie will come to and be able to grab him.
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And then I look a little more closely and i see is not a collar.
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It's a macrame necklace. With a peace sign dangling from it. So I start to feel that that anxiety creep in. And then Romeo stands up.
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And remember, I'm sitting on that little gondola seat and he looks, we're about eye to eye. This thing is huge. He is huge. And I think, okay, okay, what's a wolf's body language? What do I need to do with my body language?
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Should I look at him? And I go, nope, nope, that's a threat. Don't want to do that. Should I smile at him? But then I think, no, no, that's showing my teeth. I can't do that.
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And then I think, should I reach out to To pet him, like offer him my hand, let him smell me and then i realized I've cut my On the way in to the gondola and I'm bleeding a little bit and I'm smelling like fresh meat and I don't know if he's
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Had lunch yet. And so I take You know, clearly the best option was to just curl up as much as I could and hope that he won't see me. And that was going pretty good until I feel him start to sniff up my legs, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff. And I think, oh boy, if he rips my leg off, like what's going to happen? How long does it take an ambulance to get to the top of Vail? Or am I going to be relegated to that
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Slow eight-minute ride. Down to the bottom. And, you know, I feel them sniff up a little sniff, sniff. And then I feel that hot breath on my hand because it was resting on my knee. And I think, okay, okay.
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I've led a pretty good life, but I don't really know who's going to go to my funeral. And what does God look like? Is it George Burns or Morgan Freeman? I don't know, but I'm probably going to meet him really soon.
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Now, how many of you have been in a situation like that where you just really wish You knew more about what was on someone's mind.
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And what was going to happen next. Well, we're going to give you those tools today so that you will never be in a situation like this again where you just don't know what to do and there's no way out. So let's dive in. First thing you got to do, we're going to go over this quick, just a little bit of review and uh from from last time. And yes, someone was asking, is there a replay from last time? Yes, Rachel will tell you.
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How to get it. Okay, this is just a quick review. So you got to understand, we got to raise our sensory acuity. That's how much we're paying attention to what goes on Outside of you, okay? Because most of us are paying so much attention to ourselves. We're just not paying attention
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To what goes on outside of us. And I learned this from bike racing. That's me right there. I used to be a really good bike racer. And that's how I won races.
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Because I could look at the tiny signs that someone was about to attack or someone was about to get gapped and dropped off.
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Or just understand what they were going to do next so I could get that half a pedal stroke.
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Jump on them. And that's when I began. To win. So got to pay attention differently. And we're going to start doing that to that now.
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There's a lot of…
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Well, that's great. Can we pause? I think there's a lot of questions. Was it fun, fiction or fact? Because I felt like as we got towards the the end of the story. The question is, is it true or not true?
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Oh, there's more. I like it.
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Oh, well, we have not ended the story yet. We will. And yes, it is 100% true what I'm telling you. Okay, let's keep going. There really was a wolf in a gondola. Okay, so don't worry. Just… Just relax. We'll clear everything up. Okay, so let's talk about
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All right, we're going.
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The kinds of lies, the kinds of lies. And this is from my studies with the FBI. And actually, last week, I took another class with military and police for interrogation and interviews.
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And there's just a few different kinds of lies, okay? And they put different cognitive load on the brain. Okay. And cognitive load is the reason that our body language and actually our communication, like verbally gets different when we are different when we
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And that's really what we want to look for is change okay so you got fabrication, exaggeration, deceptive denial, minimization, and omission. Omission is easier to do fabrication and exaggeration is harder to do. So that means omission is harder to pick out. So that's what we got to know there
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Now, here's the framework. This is how it goes. So you got observation, which goes to assessment. Okay, that's what we're going to work on today, observation and assessment.
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Which goes to insight means you know more about the… about the situation, which lets you create a strategy.
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Now, if you miss on observation the whole thing falls apart. All right. So we want you to start paying attention differently. We're going to talk about what to pay attention to now Here's how it works is that the reptilian brain and the mammalian brain are the ones in charge of memory.
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So if someone is recalling something, that means They have it memorized, okay? If they're making stuff up, that's in the neocortex. That's the more developed adult part of our brain. When the neocortex takes over behavior.
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Things go wrong, okay? It's when you're trying to… make yourself believable instead of actually being believable, right? So there's a ton of science about this. This is just the basics of how it goes.
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And I think we need to get to the fun stuff so that we can actually learn how this rolls out into your world.
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So, let's see here. Oh, we talked about cognitive load. If you want to, you can take pictures of the screen.
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It's the amount of effort required while reasoning and thinking, okay? Memory, perception, language. When load is high, thought processes are potentially interfered with. We are looking for that interference okay now um let's keep going. I know we're going fast, but you're smart. You're going to get it.
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Let's see. I gotta warn you. It's about to get hot in here. People's pants are going to burst into flames okay so From here on out, whenever we see flames on screen, I'm going to say liar, liar. You're going to put in the chat box
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Pants on fire pants on fire If you want to be cool, hashtag P-O-F. All right. Got it?
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Here we go. Now, let's take a look. You remember Tanya Harding? Remember her Yeah, you remember her 1994 Olympics And what happened with Nancy Kerrigan's attack? Did Tanya have anything to do with it well She's given a lot of interviews over the years and um
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There was one that was on ABC, and this was before the pandemic. So this is how things kind of started to unravel for Tanya.
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Because someone… I mean, this is the craziest thing. Someone was digging through a dumpster in Portland behind a restaurant.
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Like, why? Okay, we don't know that. But they found that a check stub from the US Olympic Committee to Tanya, which is a totally normal thing.
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And attached to that somehow was an envelope with Nancy Kerrigan's practice information timing, coach, the whole thing. Let's see because okay so First thing we got to know is that when the body language and the words don't match.
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That's when you got a hotspot. That's what we're looking for, right? Because that's when that a developed part of our brain has taken over. The body doesn't want to lie.
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But when you force it to lie, it does weird things. So this means yes for regular people, right? Mostly Americans. I say regular, that's awful. It's just different in Asia. Okay. And this means no.
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Okay, so watch for differences between the body language and the words.
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Here we go.
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So that note that they found in the dumpster My writing was on a piece of paper. I did not write that. The rink or where she was skating. Correct.
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I did not write that. Nope.
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So try this, try this. Just to yourself in your office, try saying, I did not write that.
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It's really hard to do, right? And she did something else too, is that she took a contraction out. Okay. And they call it decontracting. When people take a contraction out.
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And they've been using contractions along the way. And we don't know if she has or hasn't. We don't know her full baseline here.
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But it's a sign that says, hang on Something's not right. So I think for this one, you know, there's been plenty of talk about this and her body language tends to match the allegations. She's been banned from figure skating for life.
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And I think we got to do this and we got to say, liar, liar.
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What's in the chat box, Rachel? What are we seeing?
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It's all pants on fire. Although we have a lot of cool people in the audience with the hashtag POS.
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Oh, I knew we'd have a cool audience for sure. Okay, so let's keep going. Now, I don't like to talk about politics, but sometimes it's just unavoidable.
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Let's talk about Mike Pence. He's out of office and I'm sure y'all can relax about him now.
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It turns out that taken home Classified documents is really popular, okay? And he has admitted to it. But before he admitted to it, before he was found out, before his garage got searched, there was an interview.
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And so let's just see what you think about this interview Here we go.
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Did you take any classified documents with you from the White House?
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I did not. Do you see any reason for anyone to take classified documents with them, leaving the White House.
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Well, there'd be no reason to have classified documents, particularly if they were in an unprotected area.
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Well, there were classified documents and they were in, as you report, an unprotected area.
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All right, so what do we see here? He actually, he tried to say no Do you see that? And then he ended up with yes for the longest time and then So when you see that, okay, because you may see that when you're asking some questions.
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Go with the last one. Got it? Go with the last one. And so he… And here's another thing.
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Guilty people, people who have something to hide, will try to keep talking.
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And this is from a study with Elizabeth Loftus down at the University of Texas that uh that People who rely on will say more because they're trying to make sure that you're convinced of what they're saying. So they're trying to back up their statement. And so he reeled it in a little bit, but you can see he wanted
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He wanted to talk more. And then he got real formal. He's like, oh, there's no reason to take those home. He kind of straightened out his jacket, gave himself a little more armor there, right?
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So yeah, that's been proven. And what we got to do is, you know, just make sure that you're paying close attention because it's the details. It's the little things that can be so revealing that can help you better inform your most
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Important decisions like like what if you asked, what if you were hiring and you ask someone about their attendance record And you start to get conflicting messages. Well, that's where you want to start to dig in to more questions to see if their response
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Is the same? Like, does it back up the lie or does it back up the truth, right? No one's going to have a perfect interview But for the important things, make sure you're double covering yourself. All right. So, uh.
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Yeah. Okay.
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I've got a question. And for our audience members, please continue to use the chat and any questions. We will answer them throughout our program and at the end.
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You know, one thing we talked a little bit about the last time of just refresher of, you know, people are prepped too when they're in the public eye or when they have certain leadership positions or business owners.
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So how do you tell the preparation versus being prepared to be only able to talk about certain things versus true deception.
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Got it. Okay. So one of the ways that you can pick out deception and I don't have, I didn't queue this video up for us is… Listen for rehearsed lines.
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Okay, because people are going in and they know you're going to ask them certain questions.
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And so if they say the exact same words like rehearsed.
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Twice, that's when you know, wait a minute, something's going on there. And this is from, you remember that Gary Condit, Chandra Levy situation?
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A few years back where he was the he's the congressman and all of a sudden Chandra Levy's disappeared. And anyway, he goes on with Connie Chung.
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And you can look this up. And she said, have you Did you have an affair with Chandra Levy? And he goes, well, I'm not a perfect man. And then he goes into all this, you know, BS. Oh, did I say, sorry. That's what it amounted to. All right. And then she asked again and he goes, well, I'm not a perfect man. And he just, and he does it again, right? And so, and he goes, and I'm not.
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I'm not deflecting the question. Connie Chung goes. Well, you're deflecting the question right now, sir. So it's just a hilarious clip that you it comes up real easy on YouTube.
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So listen for those rehearsed answers to questions that they know that they're going to be asked. So does that answer it? Is that okay?
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I think so. I think so. I think it's interesting to your point, looking out for the cues and clues. And to your point, the out of yourself and being very much in tuned and observing the people around you.
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Yeah, yeah. Pay attention. You got to pay attention when you pay with pain. And that is just as true as it can get. That's the number one thing you got to get out of this whole thing is pay attention differently. It seems small, but if you skip that.
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The rest of it just doesn't work at all. So here's what we got to do though this will make you feel good. And you got sick. Liar, liar. Let's hear it. Or it's actually in the chat.
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Pants on fire.
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Yes, it is. And Sherry has a great question, too, about what about serial liars?
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Like people who are just… That's all they do. That's all they know. And then they start believing their own lies.
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Okay, you can. Okay, so let's talk about that a little bit. So what that goes into is, and it's a little bit out of our I don't know. It goes into the whole psychopath um conversation and because some people don't know the difference between lies and the truth
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And others will start believing their own lies. And they're more on the narcissist level.
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Let's talk about psychopaths just quick because I want to make sure we get through a lot of stuff and I'm willing to stay and talk about this later. Psychopaths uh they're Their amygdala is broken. That's where the feelings are.
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And so they actually don't, they're not empathetic. They don't care what your um anything about you. Now, the problem is there's about attracted to power and power positions. And so there's this book um It's called Snakes in Suits and it's by Dr. Robert Hare. And if you want to know how
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Being a psychopath rolls into the C-suite. It's a very good book.
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And he's kind of like the rock star of that. And so according to his number, about 15% of folks in the C-suite are in that genre of being a psychopath. So… Something to know, something to know there.
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I don't want to dive too deep. Okay, so is that okay for now?
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Yes, that's okay. And I think it's interesting with you know the characteristics that would be needed to be successful in that role and Yes, not surprising.
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Yeah, yeah. So, all right, cool. Let's keep going now. If you start going on every head nod and every head shake and start to incriminate people, you're going to be wrong. Okay. All we're doing is give you a tool
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For a direct yes or no question. When questions get longer, then you really need more hotspots, okay? More signs. So let's talk about Prince Harry.
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He was in the news a lot telling people that he didn't want to be in the news.
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Him and Meghan Markle, right? So, which, you know, is understandable Now, let's just see what you see here and if he's Believable or not, let's talk about what's going on. Here we go. Because he's talking about rolling into 2020. And this is from his documentary. All right. So this is on Netflix.
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Yeah, that was on the 1st of January. I came out refreshed and I was like, here we go, 2020. What you got?
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All right. So he's talking about 2020. He's like, all right, I was so refreshed.
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Okay. Shaking your head no, that means disbelief. Okay, so he was likely Unbelievably refreshed. And we saw that he backed that up because when people roll their eyes, that's disbelief as well. Okay, so he's got two signs of disbelief here.
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And that's how refreshed he was because he got out of the public eye a little bit, right? Up to Vancouver. Now.
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So you want to listen to the tone. You want to say, okay, is there a reason to lie about him being refreshed? Well, probably not.
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All these different things. And so just like unbelievable can be good. It's not always bad okay so you want to take that into account. So I think with this, what we can do is we can say, we'll give My smiley face. We'll give him a smiley face. I think he's telling the truth here. So just…
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Pay attention to the difference. Pay attention to the tonality And in the context of the whole situation and you will be much more informed and more informed Because you're correct, right, on your analysis. So, Rachel, questions?
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None at the moment, although we have a recommendation from Pahlavi to check out apple cider vinegar on Netflix. Sounds interesting.
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Oh, we'll get into that. If it's true crime, I'm going to tell you, I will not watch it. This is a job for me. I do not… scare myself for entertainment. Okay, so…
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And just a quick shout out as well is that she actually was our pitch contestant winner in Portland.
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So we have a lot of our finalists on the line.
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Aha. Oh, I love it. Oh, I love it. Okay, cool, cool. All right, let's keep going. Let's talk about baselining. This is super important. This is the most important thing.
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That as far as a technique. It's how do people normally behave?
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And then we're looking for change. When things change that's when you got to go, wait a minute, like all these little cues that we're talking about are small and they go away really fast. But if you can just get the whole idea of change
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Then you're going to start to be able to really start to do some good good analysis and ask some better questions so that you're, you know.
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Digging deeper into like maybe a buyer's concerns, right? Or maybe one of your team members, like do the drawers really balance, right? Do they start acting differently when you start acting differently when you having some more intense questions, right? These are the things that we got to dig into. So let's talk about some of the ways that we can baseline you got
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Verbal, you got nonverbal. All of this can shift okay and so are they smooth and confident? Are they insincere and stiff right these These are some of the things that people can flow from one to the other. And you got to look for that change. Are they focused or vague or revealing or concealing like all of these things, okay?
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So it sounds like a lot. Just notice for the change. Now here's how we're going to do it. And you're going to love this. And I promise we'd do it last time. And that is Let's talk about, we talked about it, look good at looking for change. Let's solve, or maybe not solve.
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Let's get some good insights into the JonBenet Ramsey murder. You remember that?
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John Monet Ramsey, as I sit here in Boulder, Colorado, about a mile from where I live, little six-year-old beauty queen.
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Found dead in the family's home Christmas night, 1994. Five, I believe. And at the 20 year mark Her brother, Burke, who was eight or nine at the time decided, you know what, we got to do some talking.
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So he goes on Dr. Phil. Just to do some talking. Now, let me tell you about Dr. Phil. You can think he's his TV… Dr. Guy. Dr. Phil is a very… skilled forensic psychologist. He knows exactly what he's doing okay he's
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To be respected and The reason we're doing this is to see how quickly you can actually get a baseline on someone.
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Okay, so the baseline is three questions. He's going to get asked about Pineapple, a flashlight, and a baseball bat. And notice how he answers, particularly in his eye movements.
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And then the questions get more incriminating. And I'm gonna um just give you a clue when you can see the whites of someone's eyes, especially the top of the white of someone's eyes That says fear and anxiety.
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Got it? Okay, so here's what we're going to do. I want you to throw out everything you think you know about this case, because a lot of people know there's been a lot out there on it. I want you to throw that out.
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And just go off of this video. All right. And the question I want you to answer is, what do you think his involvement is?
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That's the only question I want you to answer. Got it?
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Okay, here we go. Look at his baseline first. And get that and notice when it changes.
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Did you and she pineapple together at any time during the day?
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Maybe. I don't remember. Specifically eating pineapple, but… Very well could have, like… Would you remember eating pineapple 20 years ago like you know There was a flashlight and a baseball bat found at the house and investigators thought one of those could have caused
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Jonbenet's head wound. Did they show you either of those items? They showed me a picture of the baseball bat like on the side of the house or something.
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Did you hit your sister over the head with a baseball bat?
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Or a flashlight. Absolutely not. If someone in your house did, do you think you would have hurt it?
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Probably. Yeah. Let's clear this up.
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Once and for all. Did you do anything?
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To harm your sister, JonBenet. No. Did you… murder your sister, JonBenet.
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Oh, the music makes it so dramatic, doesn't it? Yeah. Okay. So quick in the chat box. What's his bass line? Did anybody notice anything? Rachel, you got a report out.
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50 eyes. He didn't do it. The baseline smile. He heard something, the smile, the shifty eye.
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He had a…
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Okay, okay. So let's talk about the eyes. If you said eyes, you're right.
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His eyes go in a specific pattern every time. So what happens is he answers the question and his eyes go up, down, cross.
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And he does it three times on the baseball bat, the flashlight, and the pineapple. Okay, so that's his baseline. That's how we know he answers questions.
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And then when did it change? Does anybody know when it changed?
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When did it change? Eisenclick smiled. His hands were, except when he was asked about what he heard.
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About the hat.
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Yep. It's what he heard. And Dr. Phil asked A very important question. It's stated in a very important way.
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Okay, so, and I want you this is I want you to write this down, okay? He didn't say, did you hear anything?
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He said, do you think you would have heard something? Okay, so what that does is puts the mind more into construct and it leaves more of an open way for him to answer. So it's not necessarily a direct yes or no question.
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And so he goes, yeah. And we saw the whites of his eyes. And then remember from last time he rolled his lips in.
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Which means he's holding back information. Okay, or holding back emotion probably in this case information okay and so what else did we notice anything
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Well, I think to your point, it's interesting of what you pointed out for Dr. Phil when he was asking about the pineapple.
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Where he was trying to place him saying, if you remember these things and he's saying it was that long ago, so why would I? But now with this, he's asking, to your point, framing it differently.
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To ask questions. So no, I think it's really interesting now that we have these like tools to go back and rewatch all of these things.
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Oh, yeah. Well, and someone will always say, Tracy, don't you see how he is? That's how murderers look right with that smile.
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And so here's the thing. That's what we have to work with for his baseline. There's no one way murderers look.
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There's really not. But that's that smile. That's his baseline. That's what we have to go with.
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And because people say he's so unusual. Let's talk about how you could get that unusual. Let's see. Your sister's killed in the house um and The media is on your… on your lawn for years, literally years, you go to the grocery store and there's your sister on the cover of the Inquirer and someone sits you down and says.
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Whatever you know, you've got to stuff it. If anybody knows anything about anything that you know at all, we're all going to jail.
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It'll work.
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Don't you think that would make it unusual? Like, it really would, right? So I want you to get… Instead of running around… going yes or no on everybody or guilty or innocent or whatever, however you want to be black and white
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I want you to get curious about how behavior is created because people are always doing the best they have with the information that they have available to them in the history of of their own experience. And sometimes both of those things are just awful and they're doing the best
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They can do, right? Anyway, with that, I do think from this that he heard something and he's not saying. So we got to set.
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Liar, liar. Put it in the chat box. You know what to do.
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Pants on fire. That's right. All right. So let's… have a little more fun because eventually people are going to have to speak and actually verbal deception is… You want to listen to people really closely. It will slip by very fast.
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Quickly, but not only are we watching, but we're listening differently too. So to do that, let's talk about Meghan Markle. Everybody loves to hate her. And this is from the documentary that they did on Netflix six hours of my life I will never get back.
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And she is going to be asked, because remember, she's the executive producer of this documentary and she's going to be asked Why did they want to do this documentary? Okay, and listen for her answer.
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Okay, here we go. Knowing, well, am I going to warm you up? Yeah, I'm going to warm you up because the mind can't process a negative.
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Okay, the mind can't process a negative. So let's just try this for a minute before we jump in.
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Close your eyes just really quick. Just close your eyes. And in your mind, do not, whatever you do, do not think of a blue palm tree.
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In your front yard. Do not think of a blue palm tree in your front yard with Christmas lights on it. Do not think of that.
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All right, put it in the chat. Open your eyes. What's in your mind?
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Because you're not thinking of that blue palm tree. What are we seeing, Rachel?
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When you laugh, that saying funny. Ha ha laugh out loud.
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A blue palm tree.
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Yeah. Yeah, it's a blue palm tree, right? So people are telling you exactly what's on their mind. The negative does not count, okay? So if people say, you know, I don't like, you got to understand you're always painting pictures in people's minds.
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If you say, I don't want us to get in a fight like we did last time.
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You're actually creating in your mind and in their mind a picture of you getting in a fight like you did last time. And your mind works in pictures, it's going to create that.
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For you. It's going to say, oh, this is what we want. Great. Let's do it. Now, in the same way.
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People are going to tell you exactly what's on their mind by their words, okay? So listen for that negative.
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Why does she want to do this documentary? Here we go.
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Why did you want to make this documentary?
00:36:16.000 --> 00:36:22.000
00:36:22.000 --> 00:36:31.000
I'm not going to say that it's comfortable. But when you feel like people haven't gotten any sense of who you are for so long.
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It's really nice to just be able to have the opportunity to let people have a bit more of a glimpse into what's happened and also who we are.
00:36:40.000 --> 00:36:52.000
Okay, so she did a couple things. First thing she said, I'm not going to say that it's comfortable so Considering the blue palm tree exercise that we just did.
00:36:52.000 --> 00:37:02.000
Comfort is the first thing on her mind. She was on suits. And I don't know how many seasons, like a lot. And so she's very comfortable in front of the camera.
00:37:02.000 --> 00:37:08.000
This is the height of comfort for her, okay? And here's the other thing that she did before she answered.
00:37:08.000 --> 00:37:17.000
She exposed her neck, right? She looked way up. And if your neck's a little stiff like mine, that's hard to do, okay?
00:37:17.000 --> 00:37:36.000
What she's doing is exposing this part of her neck. Okay, so if a tiger walked into your office and decided to attack you, this is the first place they're going to attack. This is our most vulnerable area. Why? Because of airways and
00:37:36.000 --> 00:37:56.000
And also the brainstem is right there, okay? So if someone is actually not comfortable they're going to hide this area with their chin. Their chin is going to go down and hide this area. So what she does is give us the biggest sign of comfort that anyone possibly can and expose
00:37:56.000 --> 00:38:15.000
This part of this part of her body, like expose this neck full comfort completely vulnerable. And then she says, I'm not going to say that it's comfortable so we know what's in her mind and it shows in her body. So I think with this what we got to do
00:38:15.000 --> 00:38:22.000
Is say, remember, the mind can't process a negative And we got to say liar, liar.
00:38:22.000 --> 00:38:24.000
Put it in the chat. Pants on. Fire.
00:38:24.000 --> 00:38:27.000
I'm so sad by this. I want to believe her.
00:38:27.000 --> 00:38:34.000
I want to believe her too. Now, here's the thing. People always tell me, they say, Tracy, you don't like anybody. No.
00:38:34.000 --> 00:38:52.000
All I'm doing is pointing out when they're incongruent. I think they have an almost impossible situation to deal with, right? With the amount of… paparazzi and things that follow them around like it's not workable And they're trying to do their best.
00:38:52.000 --> 00:38:59.000
They're not being completely straight with… everybody and they think everyone's buying it. So anyway, yeah.
00:38:59.000 --> 00:39:04.000
We do have a question of maybe was she trying to relax?
00:39:04.000 --> 00:39:06.000
You know, in that moment.
00:39:06.000 --> 00:39:14.000
No, that's not a real… It's like, try to do this. This stranger. This is not, no, there's no relaxing there.
00:39:14.000 --> 00:39:18.000
No relaxing. So any other questions?
00:39:18.000 --> 00:39:23.000
No, I think that's it. We just had the question, the POF is pants on fire and that
00:39:23.000 --> 00:39:34.000
That is right. Okay. Let's keep going. We've got to stay on time here. We got one more, one more here. And that is Prince Andrew. So this would be her uncle by marriage.
00:39:34.000 --> 00:39:48.000
Okay. Brother to brother King Charles, okay? And he got mixed up with Who was that sex trafficker guy or um No, I want to say Harvey Weinstein. That's not it. It's the other guy.
00:39:48.000 --> 00:39:53.000
Harvey Weinstein no i don't. Jeffrey.
00:39:53.000 --> 00:40:15.000
Epstein. Epstein, yes, that's it. Okay, so he gets asked about it. And let's just see… what you think with his… answer, knowing that the words that you choke on are very important. You cannot… discount the discount Words that people choke on. Here's why. Because it takes
00:40:15.000 --> 00:40:30.000
Six organs to make a sound. And the body does not want to lie. So they will shut down on you instantaneously during words that are super stressful or deceptive okay so Here we go.
00:40:30.000 --> 00:40:38.000
You seem utterly convinced you're telling the truth. Would you be willing to testify or give a statement under oath if you were asked.
00:40:38.000 --> 00:40:53.000
Well, I'm like everybody else. And I would have to take… all the legal advice that there was before I was to do that sort of thing. But if push came to shove.
00:40:53.000 --> 00:40:59.000
And the legal advice was to do so. Then I would be duty bound to do so.
00:40:59.000 --> 00:41:09.000
All right. So we noticed a lot here. There was a lot to see. Okay, so the first thing we talked about the head nod, right? He does not want to do any testifying, okay?
00:41:09.000 --> 00:41:25.000
But then what he gave is a resume statement. And these are important. You got to listen for these because he goes, I'm just like anybody else. Okay. Which is the same As someone saying, you know, let's say you've done something wrong and they say, you know what? You can ask.
00:41:25.000 --> 00:41:36.000
Anybody at my church I am a good person, okay? So whenever church comes into effect or God.
00:41:36.000 --> 00:41:53.000
There's always something that they're covering up always okay so these are some of the things that you want to look for resume statements. And then he choked on that word legal okay so he knows something is illegal in there. And this is a media interview. It might not be the friendliest, but she's not going to probe
00:41:53.000 --> 00:42:05.000
That deep. And she's not going to get a confession. She knows that, right? And so does he. But his body shows all that stress, right? And you saw him go from from looking at her, like.
00:42:05.000 --> 00:42:13.000
Without Blinken and then he started blinking a lot. So watch people's blink rate, that'll tell you their stress.
00:42:13.000 --> 00:42:32.000
If it's really high all of a sudden, that's big stress. If if they just stare at you, they're looking for threat. And that's what the body does. It gives you every opportunity to see that threat. So I think what we got to do here is just remember, and also he didn't answer. He really didn't hardly answer the question.
00:42:32.000 --> 00:42:44.000
Because it was a yes or no question and he talked a lot, right? So… We got to do this. And I don't think he's going to melt on us. Nope, he's not going to melt. Liar, liar, you know what to do.
00:42:44.000 --> 00:42:48.000
Yes, we've already had some in the chat before you even asked.
00:42:48.000 --> 00:42:58.000
All right. So let's see what do we have here. Oh, he is going to melt. Oh, look at that. Okay, he's melting. Good, good, good. Now, let's keep going. Okay, vocal deception.
00:42:58.000 --> 00:43:07.000
These are just a few things we're going to run through them really quick. You may need these, okay? They'll drop a pronoun. When people stop using pronouns.
00:43:07.000 --> 00:43:19.000
They're separating themselves from the experience because it never happened So if you ask someone last night, what'd you do? And they say.
00:43:19.000 --> 00:43:23.000
Went home from work. Stopped at the store.
00:43:23.000 --> 00:43:29.000
Got a jug of milk. Came home, played video games all night.
00:43:29.000 --> 00:43:40.000
What's missing? Oh, the pronouns. So listen for when the pronouns go missing. Listen for when their pacing changes or a change in volume or especially at the end of sentence.
00:43:40.000 --> 00:43:48.000
Okay, so these are some of the things you want to listen for. So take a picture of the screen If you are so inclined.
00:43:48.000 --> 00:43:56.000
Now, when you want to know more, because we got one more exercise, we are going to put these tools to use. When you want to know more, do this QR code here just with your phone.
00:43:56.000 --> 00:44:04.000
Just take a picture of it. And what I'll do is I will send you videos of famous people lying on TV.
00:44:04.000 --> 00:44:10.000
Okay, there's a lot of them. And we got more on Tanya Harding. I got Sarah Palin. I got a lot of them.
00:44:10.000 --> 00:44:24.000
And you'll be on my newsletter that goes once a month. And we'll talk about all different kinds of deception in the news because there's always something in, of course, all my social links are on there as well. So here's what we're going to do right now.
00:44:24.000 --> 00:44:40.000
Is we are going to jump in and play my game, a little interrogation game. We talked about this social links. Real confessions is what we're going to play. So I'm going to stop sharing my screen and I have… Hang on, let me do this. Stop share.
00:44:40.000 --> 00:44:45.000
All right, here we go. All right. Now we got Rachel and we got Tracy and I have prepped them.
00:44:45.000 --> 00:44:52.000
They're very nervous. I have prepped them. Ahead of time. And here is what we're going to do.
00:44:52.000 --> 00:45:09.000
Is interview and interrogate them. Now, there's a difference between interview and interrog Mostly interview is what we're going to do. Interrogation implies they're guilty which One of them is. Now, we're going to ask some questions.
00:45:09.000 --> 00:45:15.000
And… They are going to answer. Now here's the deal.
00:45:15.000 --> 00:45:23.000
I have sent them two emails this morning. I interviewed them a couple weeks ago. I have sent them two emails.
00:45:23.000 --> 00:45:39.000
One email contains the truth. The other email contains… a lie, okay? Now, audience, we are going to pick which email they open. They don't know which is which and they do not know what the lie is. I have made that up.
00:45:39.000 --> 00:45:52.000
Okay, now… Ladies, that is your script, okay? Whatever… email, the audience says to open. That's what you're going to open. And that is your script.
00:45:52.000 --> 00:45:59.000
Do not, for any reason, say anything other than that line. But if it's the truth.
00:45:59.000 --> 00:46:05.000
You got to sell it like it's the truth. If it's a lie, you got to make it sound like the truth. We're going to interrogate you.
00:46:05.000 --> 00:46:20.000
And interview you for about a couple minutes and then we'll see your story hold up or we'll see it break down probably and then the audience is going to vote to see if we can tell if you've been telling the truth or a lie. So sound good?
00:46:20.000 --> 00:46:25.000
Got questions? All right. Audience, who do we want to go first?
00:46:25.000 --> 00:46:27.000
Oh, Vanity's thinking it's getting hot. Vanity, you're not on a hot seat. All right.
00:46:27.000 --> 00:46:31.000
Yes, it's getting hot. Oh, hug me on the hot seat first.
00:46:31.000 --> 00:46:35.000
Okay, who do we want? Oh, Rachel, you're getting all the votes. Okay.
00:46:35.000 --> 00:46:36.000
Okay, Rachel. Okay, so Tracy, you can turn your camera off because we don't need you just yet.
00:46:36.000 --> 00:46:40.000
00:46:40.000 --> 00:46:47.000
Okay. All right. Here we go. Rachel. All right. Rachel can't help it. She's got a dry eye. Okay.
00:46:47.000 --> 00:46:58.000
Okay, here we go. Here we go now um Audience, which envelope or sorry, email do we want her to open? One or two? Put it in the chat box.
00:46:58.000 --> 00:46:59.000
Let's see.
00:46:59.000 --> 00:47:05.000
Oh, they're saying two. I'm going to go with two. Okay, so email number two, open email number two.
00:47:05.000 --> 00:47:09.000
Memorize it. At the very bottom, you got it?
00:47:09.000 --> 00:47:11.000
I get a lot of emails. So, okay, here we go.
00:47:11.000 --> 00:47:20.000
Okay. So go to number two, scroll down a little bit.
00:47:20.000 --> 00:47:21.000
Okay, you ready? Okay. Hit it.
00:47:21.000 --> 00:47:28.000
00:47:28.000 --> 00:47:30.000
I committed a hit and run accident.
00:47:30.000 --> 00:47:39.000
Oh, a hit and run. Okay, audience, I'm going to ask some questions and you better put some questions in as well and I'll ask them. So Rachel.
00:47:39.000 --> 00:47:45.000
A hit and run. Where was this?
00:47:45.000 --> 00:47:46.000
00:47:46.000 --> 00:47:53.000
It was in Cleveland where I'm from. On the streets going to work for my father.
00:47:53.000 --> 00:47:58.000
Oh my gosh. And so what Were you driving?
00:47:58.000 --> 00:48:02.000
I was driving a big moving truck.
00:48:02.000 --> 00:48:06.000
Oh, so now how'd you get the moving truck?
00:48:06.000 --> 00:48:08.000
I got the moving truck because my dad had a moving and delivery business. So on the weekends.
00:48:08.000 --> 00:48:13.000
00:48:13.000 --> 00:48:14.000
I would work driving truck.
00:48:14.000 --> 00:48:21.000
Okay. Oh, okay. And what kind of what kind of card did you hit? Was it moving or was it parked? Tell us what happened.
00:48:21.000 --> 00:48:28.000
It was parked. So there was a What are the conversion bands?
00:48:28.000 --> 00:48:31.000
And I hit the van.
00:48:31.000 --> 00:48:36.000
Oh, so you hit like a 16 passenger van or whatever it is, the big ones, a big van.
00:48:36.000 --> 00:48:38.000
What kind of damage happened?
00:48:38.000 --> 00:48:40.000
I knocked off his mirror
00:48:40.000 --> 00:48:44.000
Oh, okay. If you didn't stop. Why?
00:48:44.000 --> 00:48:52.000
No, I didn't stop. Because I didn't know what to do.
00:48:52.000 --> 00:48:53.000
00:48:53.000 --> 00:49:01.000
Oh, so you just kept going because that was the best option Okay. All right. And then… What… How did this get revealed?
00:49:01.000 --> 00:49:06.000
It got revealed when I stopped and the police came.
00:49:06.000 --> 00:49:11.000
Oh, so they were chasing you? So someone called the police How far away did you get?
00:49:11.000 --> 00:49:16.000
Yes, someone called the police. A couple of streets.
00:49:16.000 --> 00:49:28.000
Oh, so they were close. So this whole thing was pretty close. All right. Let's see. What other questions do we have? What happened?
00:49:28.000 --> 00:49:29.000
Like when the cops pulled over, what happened? Or pulled you over?
00:49:29.000 --> 00:49:36.000
What happened when the cops pulled over? They got my license and registration.
00:49:36.000 --> 00:49:37.000
Uh-huh. Uh-huh.
00:49:37.000 --> 00:49:42.000
And try to calm the person down because it was a hit and run.
00:49:42.000 --> 00:49:48.000
Oh, wow. Okay. So wait, so someone was in the van?
00:49:48.000 --> 00:49:52.000
I don't know if they were in the van or not, but
00:49:52.000 --> 00:50:00.000
But they saw it. Yeah. Oh, wow. Okay. Now, were you upset?
00:50:00.000 --> 00:50:01.000
The owner of the other car was upset. I was upset.
00:50:01.000 --> 00:50:05.000
Or who was upset? Was anybody upset?
00:50:05.000 --> 00:50:06.000
Oh, now did you play dumb or did you admit it right away or what happened?
00:50:06.000 --> 00:50:10.000
I didn't know what to do.
00:50:10.000 --> 00:50:11.000
I played dumb.
00:50:11.000 --> 00:50:21.000
Uh-huh. Okay. All right. But they must have pointed out the streak on the side of your van or what Okay. All right.
00:50:21.000 --> 00:50:28.000
00:50:28.000 --> 00:50:32.000
Let's see. All right. Do we have any other questions? So did you get a ticket?
00:50:32.000 --> 00:50:35.000
I guess, or did they take you to jail? What happened?
00:50:35.000 --> 00:50:37.000
I did not go to jail. I got a ticket.
00:50:37.000 --> 00:50:42.000
You got to take it. What did your dad say?
00:50:42.000 --> 00:50:45.000
He didn't say much. Very forgiving.
00:50:45.000 --> 00:50:46.000
Uh-huh. Oh, oh, he's a pastor.
00:50:46.000 --> 00:50:50.000
Again, with church, he's a pastor so he Yes.
00:50:50.000 --> 00:50:55.000
Oh, wow. Okay. All right. All right. Cool. Okay. I think that's enough questions. I think that's enough questions.
00:50:55.000 --> 00:51:01.000
It's time to vote. It's time to vote. Put in truth or lie right now.
00:51:01.000 --> 00:51:05.000
Pastor would have rebuked you. It looks like… I see a lot of lies, a lot of truth.
00:51:05.000 --> 00:51:15.000
We're a little split though. I got to tell you, we are split All right. Okay. It's time for the reveal, Rachel. What is the truth?
00:51:15.000 --> 00:51:40.000
The truth is I really did do that. I was 16 for those of you that are from Cleveland, I was driving like 131st and mile and coming around that corner And I didn't time the corner well. So there was a van parked on the side and I accidentally sideswiped him, knocked off his mirror, and then I drove a couple of streets down to pick up my sister and
00:51:40.000 --> 00:51:49.000
The police came and I was scared. It was my first time. They didn't have me in handcuffs, but I was like sitting in the back seat of a police car. But luckily they were nice.
00:51:49.000 --> 00:51:53.000
Thought I was nice and they just gave me a ticket for improper passing.
00:51:53.000 --> 00:52:10.000
Yeah, it was improper passing. Oh, wow. Okay. All right. You did so good, Rachel. And here's the thing. She was consistent all the way through. You see, she was nodding her head yes like she she rocked a little bit, but we didn't see inconsistencies. Her timing was good. Her volume was good.
00:52:10.000 --> 00:52:15.000
Stayed right on. So that's how we know it's the truth. So high five.
00:52:15.000 --> 00:52:19.000
Rachel, you did good. All right. Cool, cool. All right. Tracy.
00:52:19.000 --> 00:52:25.000
Come on back. All right, Rachel, you can stay on because you're kind of hosting a little bit. All right, so we got Tracy.
00:52:25.000 --> 00:52:27.000
How are you? Albany. Okay, cool. All right.
00:52:27.000 --> 00:52:31.000
I'm in Albany, New York.
00:52:31.000 --> 00:52:40.000
You know the rules. You know how it's going to go. So audience, which email do we want Tracy to open? One or two?
00:52:40.000 --> 00:52:46.000
Ooh, we're straight ones. Okay, straight ones. So Tracy, email number one.
00:52:46.000 --> 00:52:52.000
Open that up. Scroll that down.
00:52:52.000 --> 00:53:00.000
And that is your script. Memorize it, sell it like it's the truth no matter what.
00:53:00.000 --> 00:53:01.000
You ready? Hit it.
00:53:01.000 --> 00:53:09.000
I am ready. I have been to a party at a Playboy mansion.
00:53:09.000 --> 00:53:17.000
Oh, a party at a Playboy mansion. Okay, very good. Which mansion?
00:53:17.000 --> 00:53:18.000
Beverly Hills.
00:53:18.000 --> 00:53:24.000
Oh, okay. And how did you get invited?
00:53:24.000 --> 00:53:28.000
I was at a party and after party after the American Music Awards and ran into someone that invited me as a guest.
00:53:28.000 --> 00:53:35.000
Uh-huh. American Music Awards. How'd you end up there?
00:53:35.000 --> 00:53:40.000
Well, I bought a ticket because I had never been to California before and I love music.
00:53:40.000 --> 00:53:43.000
Oh, okay. Now, what year was this?
00:53:43.000 --> 00:53:45.000
This was in 1996. I was 23.
00:53:45.000 --> 00:53:56.000
96. How old were you in 96? 23 okay and then um now who was this person that invited you?
00:53:56.000 --> 00:54:02.000
It was, I'm really not allowed to say because it's somebody famous and I don't want to get them in trouble.
00:54:02.000 --> 00:54:04.000
Oh, you're not allowed to say. Right. Got it. Okay. All right. Now let's talk about the party. Who was there? Was there famous people there?
00:54:04.000 --> 00:54:10.000
00:54:10.000 --> 00:54:24.000
There was famous paper there. So at the time I saw OJ Simpson there, one of the Kardashians was there the mom And a few people, again, that I probably shouldn't talk about.
00:54:24.000 --> 00:54:30.000
Oh, okay. So there's a lot of top secretness going on, right? I got it. Okay. So were the bunnies there?
00:54:30.000 --> 00:54:32.000
How many bunnies were there? Uh-huh.
00:54:32.000 --> 00:54:36.000
Oh, there was a ton of bunnies. I would say filled up half of the room.
00:54:36.000 --> 00:54:39.000
Oh, okay. What about Heff? Was he there?
00:54:39.000 --> 00:54:43.000
He was there, but I didn't have an opportunity to meet him.
00:54:43.000 --> 00:54:44.000
Uh-huh. Oh, packed. Oh, right. Now, did you go to the grotto?
00:54:44.000 --> 00:54:49.000
Just because it was so packed.
00:54:49.000 --> 00:54:50.000
I did not. No.
00:54:50.000 --> 00:54:54.000
You did not. Now, was alcohol involved, Tracy? Oh, okay. All right.
00:54:54.000 --> 00:54:58.000
Of course, alcohol was involved. However.
00:54:58.000 --> 00:55:03.000
I only had a few drinks just because I wanted to make sure to keep my wits about me.
00:55:03.000 --> 00:55:09.000
Oh, got it. Got it. All right. Now, audience, what other questions do you have?
00:55:09.000 --> 00:55:16.000
Looks like… Questions.
00:55:16.000 --> 00:55:23.000
Oh, why would they get in trouble for inviting you? And can you buy a ticket to the music awards?
00:55:23.000 --> 00:55:30.000
You can buy a ticket to the music awards and they could get in trouble just because they're somebody famous.
00:55:30.000 --> 00:55:35.000
Oh, okay. Well, that would mean something happened. So what happened?
00:55:35.000 --> 00:55:36.000
00:55:36.000 --> 00:55:43.000
Well, in case I ever was invited back, my lips are sealed.
00:55:43.000 --> 00:55:44.000
Oh, got it. Got it. All right. All right. So now how'd you get home that night?
00:55:44.000 --> 00:55:49.000
00:55:49.000 --> 00:55:51.000
I took a taxi back to the hotel.
00:55:51.000 --> 00:55:57.000
Oh, okay. All right. Okay. All right. Audience, any more questions?
00:55:57.000 --> 00:56:04.000
No, I think that's it. We did ask what was she wearing, but I know we are clocking down on time.
00:56:04.000 --> 00:56:08.000
Yeah, well, I want to know what what What were you wearing?
00:56:08.000 --> 00:56:12.000
I was wearing the black gown that I wore to the music awards.
00:56:12.000 --> 00:56:19.000
Oh, got it. Okay. All right. All right. Time to do the reveal. Audience, it's time to vote.
00:56:19.000 --> 00:56:21.000
Truth or lies.
00:56:21.000 --> 00:56:26.000
Looks like we have some truths and we have a few lies. It's a mixed review, but I think there's a lot of truth But then some…
00:56:26.000 --> 00:56:35.000
Yeah, we're about 50 50 about 50 50 on this. Okay, Tracy, it's time to do the reveal.
00:56:35.000 --> 00:56:44.000
The reveal is… I have never been to the Playboy mansion, but I have been to the American Music Awards.
00:56:44.000 --> 00:56:46.000
Way to spell it, Tracy.
00:56:46.000 --> 00:56:59.000
Here's the thing. Script said, I have been to the Playboy mansion and you said I have been to a Playboy mansion. So I knew that because there actually was one in Chicago for a while.
00:56:59.000 --> 00:57:15.000
And so that was like, I was like, oh, she's nervous. Here we go. All right. So here's the thing. She's like, oh, I can't say. Oh, can't say that. Can't talk about that. Nope. Can't talk about that. And everybody who goes, goes to the grotto. Okay. So that's just like required.
00:57:15.000 --> 00:57:30.000
Visitation when you're at the Playboy mansion. So what else did we notice? Did anyone, those of you who thought she was lying.
00:57:30.000 --> 00:57:31.000
Taking your head. Eyes rolling back and forth.
00:57:31.000 --> 00:57:39.000
How did you know? Pauses. Yeah, her eyes were rolling a lot up yeah Trying to remember. Now your eyes rolled up into our right. So you're trying to remember something, but it wasn't quite working out, right?
00:57:39.000 --> 00:57:42.000
Remembering part about the American Music Awards. Is that right?
00:57:42.000 --> 00:58:12.000
Yeah, that was good to connect that. That was good. See, that makes it easier, right? So really, we did a lot of alternative facts in this one, right? Because there was some truth there, right? And the name drops are actually pretty smooth, right? But then when asked for more, then you just refuse to answer, right? So listen for that. You did so good. Both Rachel and Tracy, make sure you send me your snail mail address. I'll put a copy of my book in the mail to you because you two are on the hot seat. It's really hard. We got two minutes.
00:58:15.000 --> 00:58:16.000
Minutes left. I'm going to turn it over to Rachel to wrap us up.
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How much time.
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Thank you so much, Tracy. We have thoroughly enjoyed you these last two sessions. The responses have been overwhelming. Thank you for allowing us all to learn how to be human lie detectors.
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And being with us today. I hope everyone in our audience feels empowered with the tools that we have in order to spot detection and understand some of those hidden emotions. And to Tracy's point, accepting people where they are in the moment and doing the best that they can do.
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Remember all of those skills that you've learned today that can be applied to a number of different scenarios personally and professionally.
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For those of you in our audience, I don't know why, but are not Kiefer Women members yet.
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Please, please, please reach out and join our community. Go to key.com forward slash join K for W.
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Best part. Up next, don't forget to save the date on your calendar right now.
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Wednesday, March 19th. As we celebrate Women's History Month with founder and CEO of Women Igniting Chain, Robin Juergensen. So with that, thank you all so much for joining.
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Last 30 seconds, parting words. Tracy, I'll turn it over to you and I hope everyone has a wonderful rest of their day.
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Just remember, pay attention or pay with pain, y'all. The signs are right there. Whenever I can help you out, I'm going to put my email in the chat.
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It's Tracy at tracybrown.com. That is me. And I look forward to hearing from all of you in the future. Good luck with everything.
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I love it. Sounds good. Take care, everyone.
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In this second engaging session, Traci Brown discusses how to protect your hard-earned profits and catch would-be fraudsters before they can take away everything you’ve worked for.
You will learn how to instantly spot when someone’s pants are on fire, and you’ll have the unique opportunity to put your newly acquired skills to the test. In this webinar:
- You’ll discover body language and verbal patterns that reveal deception and hidden emotions. Know what people AREN’T telling you in person, on the phone, and in texts and emails.
- You’ll gain practical tips and strategies that you can apply in real-life scenarios, enhancing your confidence and effectiveness in interrogation situations.
- You’ll put your skills to the test and have the chance to work on solving high-profile cases just like our country’s top investigators.
Let's Work Together to Achieve Your Goals
For more Key4Women resources to help you reach your goals, visit key.com/women, and email us to learn more.