Kristyn S.

Head of Small Business

<p>Kristyn S.</p>


What made you choose Key as an employer? What makes you stay?

It feels crazy to say this, but I found Key in a newspaper that was advertising a local job fair. My career journey started 15 years ago as a Branch Manager, to now as a Small Business National Sales Leader with a passionate team of over 30 advisors. Key has always been incredibly supportive of my well-being throughout my life changes and has been truly invested in my development. We do work that matters and I have been able to morally and ethically stand behind Key’s mission and purpose.

How would you describe the leadership style in your line of business? What impact has it had on you and your work?

Key's mission is to empower its clients, communities, and employees to thrive. In Business Banking, we help small businesses continue to grow and realize their vision.

The best word that I can describe our leadership style in business banking is holistic. Our line of business leaders not only focus on how we can help small businesses but also how we can help the owner and their employees thrive.

Because our approach is to make sure we take care of everything for our clients, it has impacted me to do more and to go above and beyond for our team and clients. Our positive culture, aimed at serving others, keeps me motivated to make a difference every day.

How has Key contributed to your career development?

I feel I am a pure example of how Key invests in talent development. I started 15 years ago as a Branch Manager and over time I have been awarded many opportunities to learn and grow. The culture of our organization starts with our executive leadership team and they are genuinely interested in empowering talent to new heights. Key has offered me strong leaders and mentors, internal tools and resources while also granting me external educational opportunities such as pursuing my investment licenses, leadership classes and most recently CBA Executive Banking School. These courses have helped me in my current role to make the right decisions and think holistically about the business and to pay it forward with my team and mentees.

Key is an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Employer.

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