Richard K.

Senior Business Banking Relationship Manager

<p>Richard K.</p>


Tell me about the culture on the Business Banking team.

There’s a common mentality among team members that we are all in this together. When I started with Key I had very little underwriting knowledge. I’ve had many Senior Bankers who have helped to make me more successful. I asked for help, and they were more than happy to educate me and give me advice on deals. They’ve even come out on calls with me on a few occasions. They have their own goals but wanted me to succeed. I thought that was extraordinary.

We talk through deals and bounce things off one another. It’s a very encouraging group. I can’t tell you how many people have reached out to me over the years to congratulate me on successes. Now I can pass along what I’ve learned to new employees coming to Key. They want to know what I’ve done to be successful, and I’m happy to share.

What do you enjoy most about the work you do?

Managing client relationships is challenging work that comes with a lot of variety. I like that. I’ve been doing this for nine years, and no day is ever the same. Every client is different, has unique needs, different ways of communicating, and they often come from diverse cultures and backgrounds. I learn a lot from this diversity of experience.

I think of myself more as an advisor than a banker. My clients and I share ideas and best practices. I love that they trust me enough to make me a part of their strategic planning. They come to me for advice, and that gives me a sense of accomplishment.

What’s unique about Key as an employer in the Business Banking space?

There aren’t guessing games about what Key is going to do on a deal. We know our sweet spots, and we are aligned on what we will and won’t do. Key has a moderate risk appetite. We’re not overly skittish about the economy, and we pick up good clients by being balanced and consistent.

Our underwriting team absolutely sets us apart. They make my job so easy and make things easy on the client too. They are ready and willing to talk to RMs, break down the plusses and minuses of a deal and communicate to clients using common language they can easily understand. This simplifies our process and builds our clients’ comfort with the bank. If an underwriter declines a deal, they explain in a way you can understand, and they spell out a clear path for how the deal could get done. We never go back to clients with a cold “No.” We are hands on, consultative and informative. This is a true competitive advantage.

What makes you excited about the Key’s future?

Our leadership. I’m excited about where we are headed. As an organization we understand our strengths and weaknesses and have a clear view of where we can win. Our executives don’t shy away or hide from confronting challenges. I feel our leaders are transparent, they ask questions, and listen to what we say – sometimes seeking our advice. It’s refreshing.

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