Sukirti N.

Quantitative Analytics Lead Associate

<p>Sukirti N.</p>


What attracted you to Key, and why did you ultimately decide to intern for us?

I had finished my first master's degree and had started working on a second master's, but I wanted real-world experience locally while taking classes. I wanted to work in the financial sector, and KeyBank was looking for someone with SAS experience. I'm pleased with my decision to pursue this. It was my first corporate job, and everything was new to me. Basic things like how to set up conference calls and how to participate in business meetings were overwhelming, and I had to learn.

At first, I was scared about catching up with others already working in a corporate environment. However, as soon as I started working, I realized people were so willing to help. This is a very organized and nurturing program that helps you grow forward, and I never felt like an outsider.

Why did you decide to stay with Key beyond the intern program, and how has your career grown?

I wanted to continue my learning, and the Key team made me feel comfortable. Everyone was welcoming. I never felt like I was just an intern. I felt an appreciation for my work. I learned not only about some model testing I was doing but also learned a lot about the models. Even though I'm not in a model development group now, it still helps me in my current role. It was a very valuable experience.

Now I work for the Origination Decisioning group. I wanted to work more closely with the business, and I can do that on this team. We implement the change, and I can see that immediately in KeyBank’s system. The same applies when we are testing our implementation. I love the immediacy of that. I like seeing my work being used in a tangible way by the business.

What is Key’s culture like?

I've now worked in four different groups at Key. At first, I thought I got lucky. My team was very supportive. However, looking back, I've found all Key teams I’ve worked with have been very encouraging and supportive. Everyone contributes, and you and your work will always be appreciated by everyone in the team. I've loved the process of learning while also contributing to the business.

What is leadership like in your department?

I’ve found them to be available and frequently checking in on me. My manager and all other managers have open-door policies. Throughout my internship to now, Key leaders have always been available to me through IM, phone, office … whatever I need. I've communicated when I don't understand something, and I feel comfortable bringing that to them. They share their experience and direct me to people who can help me further.

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