Teresa I.

Senior Customer Service Specialist

<p>Teresa I.</p>


What do you like about your role/team?

I like that every day is different and every day I learn something new. Our team is big on sharing information and supporting one another. Our leader makes us feel comfortable and lets us know he has our back. He wants to see us grow and expand our skills and encourages us to use the knowledge we’ve gained to mentor others.

This is a really family-oriented group. I’ve made a lot of good friends. It’s not just work, I have a social outlet here too.

Has Key contributed to your career development?

I’ve been with Key for most of my career. I started as a level one and from there moved to coaching and development. It’s always been about coaching, both giving and receiving. A Contact Center role gives you access to many departments within the bank and there is endless opportunity to learn and grow your career. Leadership recognizes my strengths and has consistently placed me in positions where they know I can succeed.

What does it take to be a good Contact Center Specialist?

It’s important to be patient and positive with others. Also active listening and being in the moment helps you stay connected to the needs of the client so you can better serve them. Putting the client at the center of all we do and helping to lead them towards better decisions related to their finances is our ultimate goal.

Key is an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Employer.

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