Trina Evans Biopic

Chief of Staff and Director of Corporate Center

Trina Evans is an industry-leading financial services executive with 30+ years of experience in both transformation and continuous improvement. In her career, she has led both P&L and staff functions and is best known for her ability to drive business outcomes, influence culture, and successfully implement enterprise-wide change.

As the Chief of Staff and Director of Corporate Center, Trina leads teams responsible for client and colleague experience, corporate responsibility, enterprise communications and reputation management, marketing, government relations, and philanthropy, as well as inclusion and belonging. 

Trina’s divisions play a critical role in KeyCorp’s ability to compete against national and global financial services firms by protecting and enhancing the company’s reputation, differentiating brand, and deliberately cultivating the company’s relationship with all stakeholders — shareholders, clients, colleagues, and communities.

She has earned a reputation as one of the industry’s most civic-minded leaders, leading Key to invest more than $44 billion in support of affordable housing and community development projects nationwide, home and small business lending in low- and moderate-income communities, and transformative philanthropy since 2017.

Under her leadership, Key has built an inclusive, award-winning culture that is guided by the company’s core values: teamwork, respect, accountability, integrity, and leadership. Trina has also been honored many times for her own civic footprint.

She serves on the Board of Directors of the Bank Administration Institute, the leading research partner for the industry. She also serves on the Boards of Trustees of the Cleveland Food Bank, the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame (marketing committee), the Greater Cleveland Sports Commission (executive committee), and the Weatherhead School of Management (Case Western Reserve University) Visiting Committee. Trina is a Director Emeritus of the Cuyahoga Community College Foundation. She is a member of the National Association of Corporate Directors.

Trina received a Bachelor of Science degree in business management (concentration in economics and finance) from Case Western Reserve University and a master's in Business Administration (concentration in organizational behavior) from the Weatherhead School of Management. She also received a master’s in banking from the American Bankers Association, Stonier School of Management at Georgetown University.