Standards for Doing Business

Helping suppliers get paid promptly.

We can’t do business without our valued suppliers. KeyBank’s standards for doing business are designed to keep the supplier chain moving swiftly, with payment procedures that are clear and easy to follow.

KeyBank’s standards for doing business include:

  • KeyBank Supplier Code of Conduct — Our Supplier Code of conduct is an extension of what we call our Key Values. We expect all our vendors to strictly adhere to the KeyBank Third-Party Supplier Code of Conduct.
  • Payment terms — KeyBank’s goal is to issue payments to suppliers within 45 days from receipt of invoice, or in accordance with the terms defined in your contractual agreement.
  • W-9 requirements — In order for new suppliers to receive payment, KeyBank must have a valid W-9 form (PDF) on file for 1099 tax reporting purposes. You will receive a 1099 report when expenses in a calendar year exceed $600.

KeyBank’s commitments and payments are processed as follows:

  • Goods and services are sourced via purchase order (PO): POs are delivered to suppliers electronically to request goods and services. The PO provides details such as delivery location, recipient’s name, dollar amount, and due date.
  • Payment is made in accordance with contract or PO terms and conditions: Standard PO terms and conditions apply to suppliers that do business with KeyBank, but are not currently under contract. Standard Purchase Order Terms and Conditions (PDF).
  • Invoice Submission: Suppliers have the ability to submit invoices electronically or to the mailbox. All invoices must include the applicable contract/purchase order number.

Contact KeyBank's supplier customer service for general navigation, payment, and purchase order questions:
