KeyBanc Capital Markets® provides a wealth of knowledge, helping bring innovative financial solutions to the table so you can take advantage of every opportunity.
The KeyBanc Capital Markets (KBCM) Debt Capital Markets team represents one of the strongest full-service, debt-side investment banking, sales, trading and distribution platforms in the nation. We use a blend of real-world perspectives, backed by robust capabilities and relationships to help our clients use leverage to grow, make acquisitions and enhance operations.
In 2021-24, our team closed 2,248 transactions, delivering over $1.6 trillion in debt capital.
We view both borrowers and investors as our clients. Led by senior debt capital markets’ investment bankers with long-standing industry relationships, our professionals listen to borrower’s needs and then match them with a deep knowledge of investors’ risk parameters and investment goals, creating solutions that help issuers and investors achieve their objectives.
Our full-service platform includes a broad range of capabilities, including:
- Syndicated Finance. Multi-investor loan solutions, from simple to complex
- Leveraged Finance. Senior/subordinated debt, institutional term loans and first lien/second lien debt
- Asset-Based Lending. Utilize a business’ tangible assets to work on behalf of the balance sheet
- High-Grade & High-Yield Debt. Structuring advice for issuing investment-grade and high-yield bonds and private placements, also ratings advisory for loans and bonds
- Fixed-Income Sales & Trading. Proven expertise and execution. 210 transactions for $250.8 billion in capital raised in 2024
- Unitranche Lending. Single source of senior secured financing for sponsor-backed acquisitions and/or opportunistic situations, held by the KeyBank Direct Lending Program
We are a significant provider of debt capital to the industries in which we specialize, including: