Empowering our commercial clients to make a difference in the community.

Everyone has a role in helping to shape a thriving community and a bright future. KeyBank is proud to work with commercial clients, businesses, and organizations whose innovative ideas can have a lasting impact on people’s lives. From environmental initiatives to affordable housing to accessible health care, KeyBank commercial clients are generating positive change, and we’re with them every step of the way.


Stephanice Washington: Being homeless, not knowing when you got to go, taking your income, spending the whole income up to have a room for a night or two or three. Then having to eat out. Wasn't able to cook and stuff. Having to eat out. You know, that was a lot. I lost everything. I lost everything but the clothes I had on my back.

Robert L. Likes: KeyBank has an unwavering, deep commitment to affordable housing. Our mission and our objectives are to be a national leader in affordable housing, to help the bank always achieve an outstanding CRA rating. To be a major contributor to our community benefits plan and to help our clients and communities thrive.

Erica Haize: We need more affordable housing in this community. So, people are struggling with that a lot. We saw the need of helping people be part of a great community.

Kevin Loos: NRP made an initiative into housing and health care, and so we've created a few projects across the nation, partnering with hospitals to provide housing and health care. You’re next to the healthcare community, next to primary care doctors, next to emergency room help, and really it becomes a more of a wraparound type of service, being right next to the campus.

Robert L. Likes: It's adjacent to a hospital to help with healthy initiatives. It also has community space within the Affordable Housing project that provides job counseling, financial literacy training, digital training, all for the betterment of the tenants and the surrounding community, to help really uplift lives.

Stephanice Washington: The day I got the phone call that I could come in and pick up my keys, was the best thing that ever happened for me.

Erica Haize: This was like a steppingstone for them. Some of them, like I said, were homeless. They start living here, their lives change. Their family can see that their life is changing. And to come in a building like this, and having something so nice and brand new for the first time, it's life changing.

Stephanice Washington: Before I came to Via Sana, my whole check went on my light, my gas, my rent. Since I've been at Via Sana, I'm able to save up, so I'm able to go to Walmart and buy me a month's worth of food from my income now.

Erica Haize: I hope we can partner more so we can keep making a change in the community.

Robert Likes: Affordable Housing changes lives. There are so many positive, healthy outcomes and economic upward mobility, when you have a permanent residence that is safe, decent, clean, affordable, that is your home.

Stephanice Washington: My new apartment is my serenity, my peace, and my home.

Changing lives through affordable housing at Via Sana

Affordable housing changes lives. When residents have a home that's affordable, clean, decent, and safe, healthy outcomes and economic upward mobility become possible. Hear from residents and clients firsthand on how permanent residences make an impact.


George Pasha:

We’re a 75-year-old third generation family business.

Jay Bowden:

The way we really got into the container business in Hawaii, we acquired a company in 2015 who had 40 plus year old ships.

George Pasha:

Basically doubled the company in every respect, but eyes wide open. We knew that we were going to have to invest significant capital in terms of refleeting as well.

Jay Bowden:

It was a unique opportunity. Get an opportunity to build from scratch a brand new container ship that’s going to be in service for 40 years. So we had to look ahead a little bit and decide how we wanted to power these ships.

George Pasha:

Everybody’s focused on how we can make a difference and as a family business, we are very sensitive to the communities that we operate in and we want to be as proactive as we can be.

Jay Bowden:

We made it a decision early on to go with LNG. Because of the environmental benefits we would have, there are efficiency benefits from it as well.

Ed Washburn:

For an alternative fuel, it’s the only available fuel other than nuclear that can power a high horsepower ocean going vessel.

Jay Bowden:

Prior to that, we were doing a lot of equipment financing, smaller deals, so this was quite a large project for the company.

Jay Bowden:

Ran a process and looked at a variety of potential financing partners. One of the key things that we were looking for was experience in the maritime lending space.

George Pasha:

So you definitely need people that are in the space that understand the nuances to financing a company like ours. The key guys are very good at it.

Phil Turner:

Key got involved in late 2018 and we started to build a plan to take their transactions to the capital markets, which involves a combination of key years the Lee Bank and Finance company, but also bringing in other investors into the transaction because of the size of a transaction.

Jay Bowden:

It was challenging because the construction took significantly longer than anticipated, largely because of Covid delays.

Ed Washburn:

There was some delays and KeyBank as the lead managers, the lenders manage expectations and helped us keep everything positive up till delivery.

Jay Bowden:

Key was there and was able not only to kind of walk us through the process, but also keep all of the various lenders they brought into the deal.

Phil Turner:

Our goal is to manage the investors, help them work through those issues, and keep a customer on track in terms of making sure that we can deliver on time and have a financing ready for them.

Jay Bowden:

Now that we’ve taken delivery of this ship, we’ve actually put it into service. It’s just completing its second complete voyage to Hawaii without any issues and we saw immediate benefits.

Phil Turner:

It is refreshing to see a company like Pasha actually really focus on the energy efficiency and the environmental aspects. I think what we’re all most proud of is the environmental sustainability.

Jay Bowden:

We were an early adopter of this technology and we're very proud to be the first LNG powered ship to call on the US West coast. I think time has proven that we made a good decision.

Supporting customer needs while minimizing environmental impact

Discover how the Pasha Group is making an impact in the communities where it operates and learn about its proactive decision to build new ships with Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) for both environmental and efficiency reasons, and how Key was there to help.


Dick Clark, Former CEO of The Portland Clinic:

Our mission is a trusted community collaborating to improve the health and wellbeing of those we serve. What we created about three years ago was a freestanding clinic. We have apartments and single-family dwellings right next to this clinic. So we're embedded in the neighborhood.

Beau Conway, VP Equipment Finance Officer:

What we heard they needed was flexibility. And also by including the real estate in this, we were able to cross into that and also finance tenant improvements for them. Carpet and walls, and fixtures, and HVAC systems, medical equipment, vehicles. They had a lot of confidence in us to be able to execute.

Dick Clark, Former CEO of The Portland Clinic:

KeyBank's always thinking about solutions. I think that they understand the industry and that's very helpful.

Beau Conway, VP Equipment Finance Officer:

The leader in healthcare, and to be able to have them as a customer, it makes us even a stronger bank.

Dick Clark, Former CEO of The Portland Clinic:

We had a major HVAC unit installed on top of our Surgery Center. Even though it's a little bit invisible, a HVAC unit on top of a surgery center is almost as important as a good oxygen tank or a surgery table. 

KeyBank has facilitated our business to be more sustainable and more growth-oriented. They've made some of these things into reality more efficiently and more cost-effectively.

To learn more, visit key.com/healthcaretrends.

Streamlining solutions to benefit patients

KeyBank’s team advisory approach helps The Portland Clinic manage its financial and business systems seamlessly so that it can keep its mission to improve the health and well-being of those it serves


Amy Custodio: Sometimes after a certain event in your life, it's kind of hard.

Diana Toohey: I lived in a horrendous situation. And I was seeing my mental health going down.

Marlene Alva: And a lot of us are under a thousand dollars in income.

Bruce Nicholson: Made it very difficult for us, because large medical bills.

Robert Likes: It's critical that projects like this project get developed so that the seniors can have enough discretionary income left over to pay for necessities like food and transportation and healthcare.

JoAnn Seghini: I believe that affordable housing is the answer to the problems that we have in our community.

Kip Sheppard: Our goal is to continue to provide safe, decent quality housing for our senior population.

Amy Custodio: So when I got approved for this place, I'm more independent and I can stay here.

Diana Toohey: The key to not only success, but to rise above.

Hope for affordable seniors housing

Demand for affordable housing options for seniors is only continuing to grow as Baby Boomers retire, but funding to build housing isn’t. See how Key is financing affordable housing that restores dignity and preserves independence for some of our community’s most beloved citizens.


Anthony Pough: I've lived in the sewer for 10 years and in the darkness, and I couldn't find the right tunnel to get to the light.

Matt Zone: On any given night, over 15 years ago, there were four to 5,000 homeless people living on the city streets of Cleveland.

Julie Demor: You just have to wonder what happens to them. I mean, they die out there.

TK: Using the Housing First model, we can solve chronic homelessness.

Matt Zone: We set a goal almost 15 years ago to build a thousand units of permanent supportive housing.

Frank Jackson: It takes people who would be chronically homeless. It puts them into an environment and it services their needs.

Anthony Pough: The building, to me, affords me an opportunity to start over.

Ed Lavelle: And I'll tell you, yeah, it's really nice being able to be in that apartment and get my stuff together.

Rob Curry: Packing in access to social services as well behavior health services.

Julie Demor: I'm seeing lives rebuilt every day. I'm seeing people win in their battle with addiction.

Matt Zone: And they become integrated and reconnected with their family and with the community like they were prior to slipping into homelessness.

Anthony Pough: I finally found the right tunnel. I'm finally getting out.

Frank Jackson: Whenever there's something that we do, and do well, and we're successful at, then we have to do it as a community.

Beth Mooney: And at the end of the day, we lift up a community, we lift up populations, to really turn and become places that people can call home, safely live, and have access to work and build their families.

From homeless to home: A Cleveland veteran's story of hope.

Lives are being rebuilt all over the country. See firsthand how our Community Development Lending & Investment teams are making a difference in the lives of some of our most vulnerable citizens.

Content provided for informational and educational purposes only and is in no way to be construed as financial, investment, or legal advice.  We cannot and do not guarantee their applicability or accuracy in regards to your individual circumstances. All examples are hypothetical and are for illustrative purposes. We encourage you to seek personalized advice from qualified professionals regarding all personal financial issues.

KeyBank Member FDIC

Key Equipment Finance is a division of KeyBank National Association. All credit, loan, leasing products are subject to collateral and/or credit approval terms, conditions, and availability and subject to change.