Get the details you need to learn about new scams involving check fraud, credit and debit cards, identity theft, and data breaches.

The rise in popularity of payment apps, like Zelle, Venmo, and Cash App, comes with a risk for fraud. Learn how to recognize and avoid payment app scams here.

Check fraud and mail theft are frustrating, inconvenient, and, unfortunately, on the rise. Now more than ever, it’s crucial to know how criminals steal checks, how they use them to commit fraud, and how to protect yourself from becoming a victim of check fraud.

Find out about what deepfake technology is, how it’s being used to defraud and deceive consumers, and how you can help protect yourself from becoming a victim.

Financial scammers are finding new and increasingly deceptive ways to target kids and teens. Learn about these scams and how to protect your kids from them.

If you receive a text from KeyBank, verify the 5- or 6-digit short codes of legitimate KeyBank messages to avoid potential text messaging scams.

In the digital age, consumers face an array of cyber threats. One threat that's becoming increasingly prominent is smishing. Find out what smishing is, how it works and most importantly, how you can protect yourself from smishing attacks.