Find Your Financial Footing, One Step at a Time.
At Key Private Bank, we see ourselves as your guides on a financial journey – a journey that includes the usual twists and turns, and the occasional detour. That’s why we work with you both in-person and through a robust, personalized online portal to develop and track your financial roadmap.
Asking, then listening. That’s how we get to know your needs and financial goals.
Once we understand what matters to you, we’ll develop a comprehensive strategy toward your success.
We’ll touch base with you regularly to ensure your plan is helping you reach your goals.
Building Wealth Takes a Team

Building Wealth Takes a Team
This is a circular graphic listing the various parts of the Key Private Bank Team and how they work with clients.
Outer circle in clockwise order.
- Fiduciary Strategist.
- Wealth Protection Strategist*
- Credit and Mortgage Strategist
- planning Strategist
- Portfolio Strategist
Inner circle in clockwise order
- Relationship Manager
- Client Experience Manager
- Wealth Advisor
At the very center of graphic is a red circle with the label "You" in bold white letters.
Led by your Relationship Manager, a team of specialists will spend time understanding the needs of you and your family, and provide you with tailored advice and a broad array of solutions.
Doing today and planning for tomorrow, is tough to do alone.
Our family's foundation represents our vision. We need a strategy.

I need a team of experts who are also tech savvy.

How are you staying current on research and trends?
Your life is constantly changing - you need financial advice that can keep up. Learn more

See Your Real Financial Picture, Virtually
Reaching your goals through a personalized, digital roadmap
Key Wealth Direction is a revolutionary financial planning platform that offers qualified clients a secure, online portal featuring a comprehensive, aggregated view of your financial assets. Along with accessing your wealth plan through a personalized website, you’ll have your Key Private Bank team at your fingertips to provide advice and guidance.
The personalized platform features:
- A consolidated view of all your accounts, including those held at other institutions
- Interactive charts and detailed views of your investments
- Tools to track spending
- A secure online vault where you can safely store important documents
Key Wealth, Key Private Bank, Key Family Wealth, KeyBank Institutional Advisors and Key Private Client are marketing names for KeyBank National Association (KeyBank) and certain affiliates, such as Key Investment Services LLC (KIS) and KeyCorp Insurance Agency USA Inc. (KIA).
Key Private Bank is the marketing name through which KeyBank National Association (KeyBank) provides a range of financial products and solutions.
KeyBank and its affiliates do not provide tax or legal advice. Individuals should consult their personal tax advisor or attorney before making any tax-related investment decisions.
Banking products and services are provided by KeyBank, Member FDIC. Trust and certain custody and investment management products are provided by KeyBank, a national bank with fiduciary powers. KeyBank is an Equal Housing Lender. All loans provided by KeyBank are subject to underwriting, credit, and collateral approval, in addition to origination or other transaction fees. Financing availability may vary by state. Restrictions may apply NMLS ID 399797.
Insurance products offered through KIA are underwritten by and the obligation of insurance companies that are not affiliated with KeyBank. When you buy insurance, you are dealing with a licensed agency, not KeyBank. Before purchasing an insurance policy, you should compare information obtained from more than two agents. You have the right to obtain insurance from the agent or insurer of your choice and your decision will not in any way affect KeyBank’s credit decision. KIA, KIS and KeyBank are separate entities, and when you buy or sell insurance products and/or securities you are doing business with KIA and/or KIS, and not KeyBank. Services provided by KeyBank, KIS and/or KIA should not be used in substitution for independent and personal tax advice. KeyBank, KIS and/or KIA do not provide legal advice. Individuals should consult their personal tax and/or legal advisor concerning their particular situation.
Wealth Protection Strategists are not fiduciaries, as such, they are compensated based on insurance product sales.
To learn more about KIS’s investment business, as well as our relationship with you, please review our KIS Form ADV Part 2A Appendix 1, KIS Business Continuity Disclosure Statement, SEC Regulation Best Interest Disclosures, and Form CRS – Customer Relationship Summary.
Check the background of KIS on FINRA's BrokerCheck.
Investing involves risk, including potential loss of principal amount invested. There is no guarantee that investment objectives will be achieved. Past performance does not guarantee future results. Asset allocation and diversification do not guarantee returns or protect against losses.
Investment and insurance products and services are: