On a journey that's bound to include the unexpected, it helps to have guides along the way. And not just one, but a team. That’s why Key Private Bank makes sure you have a team of wealth professionals. Each of them has the deep knowledge and experience to navigate any challenge you might encounter and find new opportunities. Your team will provide advice to help you identify your goals and they’ll map out the best path to reach them. Plus, you’ll have Key Wealth Direction®, a personalized online portal that makes it easy for you to collaborate with us anytime, anywhere

KPB Team Wheel
Graph with concentric circles listing the various components of the KB team
Outer circle:
- Fiduciary Strategist'
- Wealth Prrotection Strategist
- Credit and Mortgage Strategist
- Planning Strategist
- Portfolio Strategist
Inner Circle:
- Relationship Mnager
- Client Experience Manager
- Wealth advisor
You at center of circle.
When you work with Key Private Bank, your team will include a:
Relationship Manager
Your Relationship Manager coordinates all your wealth management activities. They collaborate with your other advisors, help you define your goals and objectives, and connect you to our extensive resources. In short, they manage the overall development and implementation of your total wealth plan, and keep you informed along the way.
Wealth Advisor
Your Wealth Advisor works with you to develop an initial overall strategy that’s aligned with your priorities and objectives. They coordinate with your Financial Planner to develop recommendations, and work with your whole financial team to implement your plan.
Portfolio Strategist
Your Portfolio Strategist proactively advises you on investment strategies and the integration of investment advice into your overall wealth management plan.
Your Portfolio Strategist will work with you to create a customized portfolio to optimize tax strategies, generate appropriate income, and maintain your desired level of risk. He or she will facilitate regular investment reviews to ensure your portfolio aligns with your objectives and overall financial plan.
Fiduciary Strategist
Your Fiduciary Strategist proactively advises you on sophisticated estate, trust, and charitable strategies to manage and grow your wealth. They can also provide a review of your current estate documents, help craft an effective estate plan, and advise you in important areas, such as titling of assets, gifting strategies, and transfer of wealth to the next generation.
Insurance Strategist
Your Insurance Strategist provides quality, unbiased, third-party technical support around insurance planning. They are responsible for guiding and coordinating risk management, the insurance decision-making process, alignment of insurance policies to support your financial plan, and the strategic selection of policies that offer the best value for you and your family.
Credit and Mortgage Strategist
Your Credit and Mortgage Strategist provides best practices and advice for leveraging strategic use of credit as part of your financial plan. They evaluate a variety of credit solutions including mortgage opportunities, unsecured loans, lines of credit, and a host of other customized opportunities — collaborating with your advisory team to craft financing options specific to your goals.