Starting a family. Caring for an aging parent. Considering marriage. Moving into a new home. Downsizing your current home. Looking into colleges for your kids. Contemplating separation or divorce. Being part of a family involves choices, some joyful and others challenging. And those choices not only affect your family life, but your financial life, too.
While you can’t always anticipate what will happen in your family life, you can develop a financial plan that will help you feel assured about the goals you’re reaching toward – goals that will benefit both you and those you care about.
When thinking through your finances and how they influence your family life, it helps to discover the values affecting your decisions. You can do this by asking questions like:
- How do you want your wealth to benefit your family?
- What values guide you in how you manage your wealth?
- What are your top priorities for how you use your wealth?
- How important is it to preserve your wealth for future generations?
- If you could picture your family in 5, 10 and 20 years, what would it look like?
Once you understand the values you want to guide your financial life, you can begin to develop a roadmap that takes into account your family’s unique complexities and challenges. A plan that can adapt and change as your family does, but one that always ensures you’re staying on a path to continued success.
Your roadmap is likely to include several financial strategies to help preserve, protect and grow your family’s wealth.
Education Planning
Through careful planning, you can make saving for higher education costs an investment strategy rather than a liability.
Estate Planning
Safeguard your assets and minimize the effect of unexpected risks through properly managing and maintaining an estate plan.
Tax Strategies
Taxes are often the biggest drain on your wealth. Yet there are tax-saving strategies available that protect both your business and personal assets.
Legacy Planning
By building a strong family bond, full of trust and communication, families can pass along their values and life lessons to heirs so their children are prepared to manage wealth responsibly.
Risk Management
Creative insurance strategies can help you preserve assets and estate liquidity as well as manage potential risks.
Financial Planning
Plot out each step on your financial journey by bringing together all of your financial needs into one plan that accommodates both short- and long-term goals.
Investment products are: