in the doctors office

Healthcare Planning

Protecting your health & wealth.

Take stock of your resources, read up on your options. Here, you’ll gain insights on common strategies to help you take advantage of the best ways to fund your healthcare needs today and in the future.

2025 Medicare and Social Security Cheat Sheet
2025 Medicare and Social Security Cheat Sheet

Social Security and Medicare are two important benefits that have lots of rules and limits . With regards to Social Security, many people have questions regarding what age benefits are available, how much is taxed and the various limits 

The Essentials of Medicare
The Essentials of Medicare

As we approach age 65, most of us will confront the task of navigating Medicare’s alphabet soup of options. And we may be even more confused by the dizzying array of television commercials, emails, and unsolicited phone calls that offer health care nirvana if only you’ll dial their 1-800 number.