Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs)
Build your balance and your confidence, knowing you’re saving enough to enjoy retirement. Depending on your financial goals, you can create a plan to invest funds into an IRA, either before or after tax.
Types of IRAs
The type of IRA you choose, traditional or Roth, will have different tax advantages:
Contribute funds annually and potentially deduct contributions from your income taxes. Let your earnings grow tax-deferred and pay taxes later upon withdrawal. A traditional IRA has no income limitations and may be a good choice if you think your current tax rate is higher than the tax rate you’ll face in retirement, so you get the tax break when it’s more beneficial to you.
With Roth IRAs, there are no required minimum distributions, no age limit to contribute, no restrictions on employer plans, and no taxes for your beneficiaries.
You can also transfer assets from a previous, employer-sponsored retirement account plan, like a 401(k) to a traditional IRA.
Investment products are offered through Key Investment Services LLC (KIS), member FINRA/SIPC and SEC-registered investment advisor. Insurance products are offered through KeyCorp Insurance Agency USA, Inc. (KIA). KIS and KIA are non-bank affiliates of KeyBank National Association (KeyBank).
To learn more about KIS’s investment business, as well as our relationship with you, please review our KIS Disclosure page.
Check the background of KIS on FINRA's BrokerCheck.
Non-Deposit products are:
KIS, KIA and KeyBank are separate entities, and when you buy or sell securities and insurance products you are doing business with KIS and/or KIA, and not KeyBank.
Services provided by KeyBank, KIS and/or KIA should not be used in substitution for independent and personal tax advice. KeyBank, KIS and/or KIA do not provide legal advice. Individuals should consult their personal tax and/or legal advisor concerning their particular situation.