Student loans helped pay for your education. Refinancing them can help support your future. As a KeyBank client, see how you could use Laurel Road1 to refinance your student loans to pay down your loans faster, save money and stress less.
Student Loan Refinance Rates
KeyBank secured personal loans could be an accessible option if you’re looking to establish or improve your creditworthiness.
- Check rates in just five minutes.2
- No hard credit check2 and no fees.
- Competitive fixed and variable interest rates.
- KeyBank clients get a 0.25% interest rate discount.3 Offer only available through the link below.
Benefits of Refinancing Your Student Loans
Refinancing student loans could offer several benefits for borrowers, these include:
Lower interest rates
You could qualify for a lower interest rate when you refinance, especially if your credit has improved since originally borrowing. Lower interest rates can help you save over the life of the loan.
Lower payments
Refinancing can reduce your monthly payment amount. With a lower interest rate or extending the repayment term, you can potentially decrease your monthly payment obligation.
Easier loan management
Refinancing combines multiple loans into a single loan with one payment, one due date, and one servicer.
Frequently Asked Questions About Student Loan Refinancing
Student loan refinancing is combining multiple smaller student loans into one larger loan. This can include both federal and private student loans.
You should consider refinancing your student loans if you have the potential to save a significant amount of money, meet the qualification requirements (including credit score, credit history, and sufficient income), and have stable finances.
Yes. Refinancing federal loans turns them into private loans.
Consolidating student loan debt involves combining multiple loans into one. Refinancing means obtaining a new loan to replace existing loans, often with a lower interest rate. Consolidation focuses on how the payment is made, while refinancing aims to secure better loan terms and potential savings. Consolidation is available for both federal and private loans, while refinancing is primarily for private loans, with federal loan refinancing resulting in the loss of federal benefits.
Learn more about consolidating versus refinancing student loans.
When refinancing student loans, there are two types of interest rates to consider: fixed and variable. Fixed rate refinancing offers a defined interest rate throughout the loan term, ensuring predictable monthly payments. Variable rate refinancing comes with an interest rate that can fluctuate over time.
All credit products are subject to credit approval.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Please note that if you refinance qualifying federal student loans with Laurel Road, you may no longer be eligible for certain federal benefits or programs and waive your right to future benefits or programs offered on those loans. Examples of benefits or programs you may not receive include, but are not limited to, Public Service Loan Forgiveness, Income-Driven Repayment plans, forbearance, or loan forgiveness. Please carefully consider your options when refinancing federal student loans and consult www.studentaid.gov for the most current information.
Laurel Road is a brand of KeyBank, N.A.
Checking your rate with Laurel Road only requires a soft credit pull, which will not affect your credit score. To proceed with an application, a hard credit pull will be required, which may affect your credit score.
The 0.25% KeyBank Customer Discount is offered for applications from KeyBank customers. The KeyBank Customer Discount will end if KeyBank closes the account or the Borrower fails to maintain a KeyBank account, in good standing, throughout the life of the loan. The discount will not reduce the monthly payment; instead, the discount is applied to the principal to help pay the loan down faster. Offer cannot be combined with other Laurel Road offers, except any discount for making automatic payments.