Financial Hardship Assistance Programs
Help for KeyBank clients experiencing financial hardship.
Nobody plans on experiencing a hardship, but unfortunately they can happen. Unemployment, a decrease in income, rising expenses, declining property value, divorce, injury, and illness are all considered financial hardships. So, if you’re struggling to make payments, let us know. We’ll explain your options. In fact, the sooner you ask for help, the more options you may have.1
Frequently Asked Questions
For more information and help with your accounts, you can always contact us Monday – Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. ET., and Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ET.
Home loan: 1-866-947-2610
Student loan and all other loans: 1-866-425-3449
Dial 711 for TTY/TRS
You may email, mail, or fax your documents to us.
Email: Loss_Mitigation@KeyBank.com
Mail: KeyBank
Mail code: OH-01-51-4002
4910 Tiedeman Road
Brooklyn, OH 44144
Fax: 1-216-370-5819
Depending on the details of your situation and the type of KeyBank loan or account you have, you may qualify for a repayment plan, reage, modification, forbearance, extension, short sale, deed in lieu or long-term hardship plan.
Some restrictions apply.