Making Consumer Loan or Line of Credit Payments at Key

Keep your budget on track, knowing your payments are under control. Key has several convenient payment methods you can use to make your payments as quickly and easily as possible.

If you’re having trouble making payments on a KeyBank consumer loan or line of credit, you may be eligible for immediate help through our Borrower Assistance programs.

KeyBank Offers Options for Making Payments

Remember, your payment will be considered effective on the date it’s received, and payments made after the cutoff time will be effective the next day.

Online and Mobile Banking1,2

Transfer funds, make a one-time payment or schedule a recurring payment with bill pay in online banking or with the mobile app. It’s secure, convenient and easy to use.

Pay by Phone

Our automated system and customer representatives are available 24/7. Payments made by 11:59 p.m. ET will be effective the same day. (For example, if you're in the Pacific time zone, payments made until 8:59 p.m. are effective the same day, and payments made after that are effective the next day.) It may take up to 5 days to see your payment reflected in your account.

KeyBank Customer Service
1-800-KEY2YOU® (539-2968)

Dial 711 to TTY/TRS

Automatic Payments made by ACH

To schedule a recurring monthly payment from an account held at KeyBank or another U.S. bank or financial institution, complete and submit our Authorization to Debit Account for Payment form to allow ACH payments. Your payment will be withdrawn monthly so you'll know your payments are made on time.

Automatic payment activation usually takes five business days after we receive your completed form, so continue to make your payments with another method until you receive written confirmation of your enrollment in automatic payments from KeyBank.

Pay in a Branch

Visit a branch to make your payment and it will be effective the same day. It may take up to 5 days to see your payment reflected in your account.

Pay by Mail

To send your payment by check, include your payment stub and write your account number on your check’s memo line. To be sure your payment is received on time, allow 7 - 10 business days before your due date.

P.O. Box 94920
Cleveland, OH 44101-4920

Common Questions Related to Making Payments

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paying off debt is doable with these options and offers.


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secured vs unsecured loan: what's the difference?

Personal Loan

tackle high interest debt with lower rates.

working on a computer
tackle high interest debt with lower rates.

Subject to terms and conditions in Service Agreement.


Message and Data rates may apply from your wireless carrier.

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1-800-KEY2YOU® (539-2968)

Dial 711 for TTY/TRS

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1-800-KEY2YOU® (539-2968)

Dial 711 for TTY/TRS

Clients using a relay service:

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